Friday, August 27, 2010

Crazy, busy week

This week was crazy, busy but that is what you get when school starts. Kids are still doing AWESOME, thank you Jesus!! Hayley had taken her first AR test this week and got 10/10, and is now on a green level dot (growing up way too fast!) Hunter is a freaking sponge...absorbs every. little. piece. of. information  and is constantly sharing with us!
Vision Therapy was on Tuesday and we got results from our 6 week evaluation: lots of improvement and growth this far!! WE ARE TICKLED PINK!!!!  Dr. Bowersox is will meet with us next week and we will rework our goals (we have surpassed our first set of goals), its looking that if improvement is still being made we will "graduate" in 8 weeks!!!  Hunter is enjoying going and working very hard to meet his goal!!

Both kids had spelling test today and got 100% (this was Hunter's first test of the year).  Hunter missed his passing his fun fact test by 1 question (He is the only student in his class to be on test 2!!!).

We are ready to rest up this weekend and enjoy this beautiful fallish weather we have been having!!

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