Monday, July 5, 2010

Zoo Trip

We finally had our long awaited play date at the Zoo with the Oedy's and Murphy's now that Hayley is healthy and our weekly doctor visits are done with :)  It was a HOT day but that didn't seem to bother that much, the loved eating ice from the cooler and the splash park!

Poor Nathan is worn out from VBS last week and teething, he napped off and on all day long

Even the elephants were hot, we really weren't certain what they were doing, but they seemed to enjoy the water.  Hayley told us that they were getting a bath!!

A Zoo trip is not complete until you play on the bus and the petting zoo. Hunter loved to act like he was driving all the kids around on the "Party Bus"

Jack Murphy, you are too cute!!
We had to wait our turns at the petting zoo and Hunter was "Mr.Dad" rocking Nathan

the kids waited so patiently

and loved splashing in the water while washing their hands!

It breaks my hear that the kids are getting so big, seems like yesterday they were born and now they are 8 and 6--brings a tear to my eye!

Monkey see....
Monkey do...

Onto the Splash Park, it was crazy busy since it was so hot, but we found a nice place to sit and have lunch and let the kids cool off and play. I honestly think that my kids would of stayed there all day long!

Jack, Hayley, Lana and Hunter

Only my kids would go down the slides on their stomachs
or lying down with their arms crossed--they are something else!

Ms. Lindsey,  Mr. Joseph and Jeremiah were at the zoo as well, and we all met up so the
 kids could play. Jeremiah was having nothing to do with it,

but Joseph had fun pushing Lindsey into the water,

payback are all your Joseph!!!
Our last stop was the penguins, and they were a hoot! We couldn't believe how fast they were swimming all over the place, I tried about 10 times to get a picture and this is the best on I got.

This is how most of my pictures from today are, from behind.  I love picture like this--it makes my heart melt.

Diana and Manda, thanks for such a fun play date, putting up with my kids whining and letting me feed your kids junk!! I am blessed to have you all as friends and am already looking forward to our next date at the pool!!

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