Monday, July 12, 2010

Holiday World with Wethington's--Day1

Friday we headed up to Holiday World for our camping trip with the Wethington's (Pop, Nana, Denny, Ma and Pa). Brian, the kids, and I arrived first and started unpacking at the RV--it was a Super King and very nice--lots of sleeping space, lots of eating space and two bathrooms!!. The first bedroom  had a Queen bed with a twin above it and three twins built into the wall, 6 people could sleep in there.
The second bedroom had a King bed (it was huge), our whole family (Brian, the kids and I ) could of slept in that bed and still had room!!

 While everyone else was getting settled in, we started dinner.....hamburger, hot dogs, corn, green beans, baked taters and bake beans. There is one thing about us Wethington's.....we LOVE to eat!!!  Brian and I ran over to the park to get tickets discounted tickets for the rest of the crew, we even snuck in a quick ride on the Voyager....LOTS OF FUN!!! I gave Hayley the camera while we were gone and told her to take some pictures, this is what she took:

crazy girl


crazy face

Denny, Pop and Pa

Ma and Nana

so pretty


crazy boy

yes she had the camera upside down!

who knows

Brian and I think she looks just like Erin here

While I cleaned up for dinner, Pop and Nana took the kids to the beach so that they could play kick ball--they really seemed to enjoy this!!
 Our campfire was cut short due to the rain, but it made sleeping even better!! We ALL were worn out and ready for bed early so we could get a good nights rest for our day at Holiday World the next morning.

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