Saturday, July 31, 2010

Leah Beth Shouse

 Dan, Lori and Clayton welcomed their newest arrival, Leah Beth, this morning. All are doing well, just a little tired. We drove to Frankfort to see this little bundle of joy (Dan and Lori too). Brian thought that he was going to hold her first, I knocked him out of the way to get to her!! After all, I am Leah's, second mother!!

Leah Beth Shouse
July 31, 2010
6 pounds 14 ounces
20" long

Love those chunky cheeks

sleeping beauty

I HAD to wake her up--I wanted to see her eyes!

Yes, Brian finally got his turn with her.

It melts my heart to see him like this..
He is such an awesome Daddy to my kiddos--I am truly blessed!

Congrats to the Shouse gang!!
We love you all so much and I can't wait for Lori to go back to work so that I can have Leah Beth all to myself!! Ah, the joys of being a sitter!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fun with Forberger's

 The kids and I went over to the Forberger's today for some swimming and sun! It was such a nice treat to get able to catch up with Mary and I even got some belly rubs/kisses for Allison since Mommacita (Catherine) was there too--DOUBLE BONUS!!  Can't believe that Hayley won't be in Mary's class again this year, guess that I am just going to have stop in to get my fix!!  I hate that I didn't take many pictures, actually I only took one--I was too busy relaxing with my girls!

Thanks for having us over, we really enjoyed ourselves!!

Hayley, Hunter, Peyton

Hayley was one worn out chick--too much fun for one day!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Practice makes perfect

The kids decided to get out their bows and target this evening and start practicing for the upcoming year. Santa had brought Hunter a bow this past year for Christmas and he is still getting the hang of it. Hayley got Hunter's old bow and still has some growing to do. All in all they both did well!

Hunter proud that he put his arrow in the "red" section

Brian was talking Hayley through

Hunter had to help her at first

She finally got the grasp

and did very well!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

July Birthday Party

We had our annual July birthday party today after church. I am so lucky that I still get to have a birthday party and that I get to share it with Nana (aka Jackie), since ours are just weeks apart. It's so hard to try and get everyone together, so when can kill  two birds with one stone, we do it!!

 Happy Birthday Nana, thanks for sharing your day with me!

Hayley chose these glasses out for Nana from the birthday bucket

Hayley sang for everyone at church

Pa took a nap while we got food ready

my YUMMY dream sickle cake that  Kristian made!

Tony was modeling the bows--watch out Angela you may have a new model

Chelsey Nay Nay
(photo by Hayley)

Kristian and Hayley

Hayley and Chelsey Special...

Hayley is always asking to do a "Special" at church, so today she sang with Chelsey at Pop and Nana's church. It was a total spur of the moment thing and I had to hurry and get the camera out and I am in the very back, it's not the best video and you can barely hear her. We learned at lunch that her microphone was not working (grrrrrr), maybe next time we can get our act together. Anyways, we are very proud of her for making a "joyful noise until the Lord"

Friday, July 23, 2010

Getting Ready...

for school! I can't believe that we are in the final days of summer break--school starts in T minus 19 days. I am NOT counting, the kids are, they are starting to get excited!! It seems that our vacation really just began this month, since our June was filled with Hayley's hospital stay, weekly doctors appointments, and all the other appointments that you have to take care of before school starts. I want a do over--do you think its possible??

Tonight we did our "School Supply" shopping, I got everything that was on our list and we even checked it twice! As soon as we were in the door, both kids were wanting to get everything out, labeled and in their book bags-- I tell ya, they are READY!!

 I have pictures every year of the kids with their school supplies--hard to believe that Hayley will be in first grade and Hunter in third-they are growing up so fast! Look at their smiles in these pictures.  LOVE. IT.

Hayley and her supplies for 1st grade

Hunter and his supplies for 3rd grade.

Swimming with Oedy's

We knew that it was going to be H-O-T  today, so we planned earlier the week to meet Diana, Lana and Nathan at the pool. It was a great time as always, and to our surprise not crowded at all. We all played in the outdoor pool for while, I didn't take many pictures because I wanted in the all the fun!

I am starting to think my girl is growing gills-she is such a fish
Hunter was too busy to stop swimming

Hayley getting ready to slide down

She loves that slide!!

 We had a picnic lunch at the shelter house
(Hayley took all our lunch pictures!)

so cute

look at that face, wonder what she's thinking?

Nathan was one hungry boy!!

smile Ms. Diana!

and then ended our day by playing in the indoor pool!

the kids loved the frog slide

Nathan was content floating

Hunter was trying to teach Lana how to float on her back

                Thanks for spending another fun day with us, can't wait until we can do it again!!

VT (Vision Therapy) Update

Hunter is doing so well in VT--his scores are improving and his eye is getting stronger. Today is the 5 week mark and he has earned 10 stars thus far. Each week he can earn 2 stars, 1 for doing his homework daily (2 hours of daily patching plus exercises they give him) and 1 for doing well in his therapy sessions. He went to the prize box today and got a cool necklace of a wooden dragon, silly band (imagine that!) and a crazy-bouncy rock!! I am so proud of you Hunter for all your hard work, keep it up!  Love you!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Red Sea or Red "C"

Tonight at Team Kids we were learing about Moses and the Red Sea. For our activity, the kiddos were to draw with chalk their favorite part of the story. This is what Stephen drew.....

The Red "C"

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Paradise Video's

Hunter knee boarding

Hunter's first time Skiing

Paradise-- Saturday, July 17

We woke up Saturday morning and fixed yummy breakfast for all the kiddos: eggs, sausage, biscuits, gravy, pancakes and fruit! After we got everything cleaned up the kids enjoyed some cartoons while I finished packing. We headed home early in hopes that we could meet Brain for lunch--(he had been working 18 hours days all this past week because of the weather, and didn't get to join us for any Paradise fun :(  ) but he got another call just as we were on the way to see him!

This was the picture as soon as we got on the road, needless to say my kiddos were worn out from all the fun from the past couple of days!

Paradise Friday, July 16

Today was the day 2 of skiing for the kids, so we spent the morning until lunch on the river. I tell you, we have some brave kiddos who have done so well with trying to "get up" both Kieran and Hunter were the only two who tried, and BOTH boys succeeded. I was so excited for the both of them, wished I had taken more pictures/video but I was too nervous to do to much other then watch them!

Kieran getting ready to ski for the 1st time

and he's up

Great Job, Kieran!!!

 Hunter getting his ski's on

and he's up

We are so glad that Stefanie and William made the drive to share in the craziness!! It was so nice to get to visit and catch up with you all!!

Hayley and Haylie

After dinner we broke out Corn Hole while we started cleaning/packing up.