Monday, May 31, 2010

Air Mattress Fun!

We stopped by Abby's graduation party while we were in town on Sunday and the kids enjoyed some wild and crazy fun-- jumping on the air mattress in the basement. Who knew something so simple could bring hours of endless fun?? Luckily, no one was injured either--that makes it even better!!  

And to think that only 9 kiddos where there--12 more that were not there!! Family get together are always fun with this many second cousins around!! We are truly blessed with a LARGE family thanks to GG and Gramps-

4 Wheeler Fun

We headed over to Indiana on Sunday for Aunt Amy's and Uncle Jay's fish fry.  It was so nice fun to be able to play outside with Keegan and enjoy some good food and company at the same time. The kids had lots of fun playing in the back yard and couldn't wait until Jay Boy arrived so that they could ride the four wheeler.You would of thought they haven't ever ridden one before! By the end of the night there was a nice beaten down path where they had rode all day long--looks like Uncle Jay won't have to mow grass there for a while!

Jay Boy and Keegan--
look at that smile!!

Hunter's turn

Hayley and Jay Boy

Baby Brooklyn and Hayley

Aunt Jess and Keegan-
he was one tired boy from all that playing!

Crazy drivers

Jay Boy was nice enough to let the kids ride and drive by themselves after some modifications--thanks Jay!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Surprise Visit

We had a surprise visit this week from Unc, Angela, Luke and Baby Faith!  Pop and Nana had everyone over Friday night for dinner and the kids loved playing with Luke and Faith.  Thanks for spending some time with us--we are looking forward to your next visit!! Remember Holiday World is coming up soon and it's not too late to change your mind!!

check out those cheeks--

Hayley loved to hold Baby Faith

Ma and Faith

I was trying to get a picture of the 4 of them all together, but Luke was being himself and not having any part of it, so this is the best picture that I got!

Pa enjoyed eating Hayley's toes as always!

I got some time with Faith too!

Luke loved giving Hunter kisses--sweet boy!

Nana and Hayley played volleyball

Hayley found some boxing gloves and tried them out on both Hunter and Daddy

Pop gave his famous 4 wheeler rides-
Angela said Faith was too small to go :(

the kids loved running, chasing and playing together.

Last day of School

Friday was the last day of school and we started off with an Award Program in the gym for grades K-2. Each homeroom chose the student with top achievement in: Reading, Math, Writing, Handwriting, Most Artistic and Most Improved.

Hayley received the Excellence in Reading award from Ms. Sweazy.

Hunter received the Excellence in Math award from Mrs. Sienicki.

Then we moved on the upper grade awards:  Accelerated Reader, Study Island, GRRREAT Student Awards. I had to laugh because it seemed like as soon as Hunter sat down he had to get back up to collect his next award! Hayley was super cute to watch, each time they called Hunter's name she got this huge smile on her face and turned to tell all her classmates "That's my brother!" It made my heart melt!!
Hunter had 75.3 AR points, that was the second highest in grades K-2!!

Once all the "official business" was taken care of it was on to FUN, FUN,!! 

Cheering on the 5th graders as the made one last walk down the hall

Hayley and Bonnie

Mrs. Sienicki and Hunter

FIELD DAY was lots mess and lots of fun, the weather was perfect for all the stations that Ms. Hahn had planned. I love subbing on days like this,  I got to partake in all the action to!
Potato Race
Sponge Races
(look at that growing belly of Ms. Knapp's-can't wait to see baby Allison!)
Clothes Line Race

Obstacle Course

Water Balloon Toss
Putt Putt Golf
Leaky Cup Race

Singing the school song one last time!

At TES the teachers gather in the bus lots to send the students off in style the last day of school:
lots of cheers and well wishes for a safe summer!!

Can't believe that we are now parents of  a 3rd and 1st grader---time flies!!

Class Letters

 On Wednesday,  Hunter's class wrote letters to the incoming second graders about what second grade was like and got to share these with the first grade students. It was so sweet to see what each child wrote and thought that was most important! Hunter letter talked about math and "Mad Minutes!" I sware, that boy is crazy over math and is one smart cookie!!  I can't  believe that Hunter will be in the 3rd grade next year--he is growing into a little man!

Hunter reading his letter to an incoming second grader

Friday, May 28, 2010


and smell the flowers!!!
We were in the country this week and Hayley loves to stop and look at all of Maw Maw's flowers in her yard--she just had to stop, smell and pick some. She is growing up so quick and isn't a little girl anymore!

Crazy Hair 2

This is what Hayley's hair looked like after we took out her braids and all day at school--it was wild and crazy to say the least, she loved it so it was worth it!! The things we do for our kids.