I know I have posted these on Facebook, some of my family isn't on there so I wanted to post these so they could have a good laugh as well. There is never a dull moment and I never know what will come out of the kids mouths when they ask a question. Sometimes, I wish I could remember them all but these are just some of the ones that I got a chance to write down. Laughter is the best medicine
Jan 2
Our morning conversation:
Me: "Hunter, can you help Clayton get changed while I go feed"
Hunter: "Yes, mam"
Me: "Thanks, you're a good boy!"
Hunter: "Arf, Arf, Arf"
My child is not right!
Jan 7
Hayley: "You know we are out of school today because my birthday is a National holiday, right?"
Me: "Oh dear, seriously?!"
Hayley: "Yes, we are out because its MY birthday"
Me: "Its just the last day of Christmas break'
Hayley: "Yeah, I know. I like to think of it as a National holiday!"
Jan 10
Hayley just informed me that she can't eat kidney beans because they cause kidney stones.
January 12
Hunter just informed me that he would wine and dine his girlfriend with microwaved hot dogs and Mac and cheese. Man is she a lucky chick!!
Jan 13
Breakfast conversation with Hayley:
Hayley: "Momma, why do they have an AM/FM channel on the radio
Me: "That's the way its always been, there was AM before the was FM. Lots of talk programs and older music on AM. GG listens to AM channels and you listen to FM"
Hayley: "Really?! I thought it was because you had to listen to AM in the morning and FM at night
Jan 14
Hayley just gave me a kiss, told me to have a good day and not loose any tiger paws! Hmmm, wonder where she's heard that before?!
Jan 15
Tonight's conversation:
Hayley: "I didn't know that Hooter's had a basketball team"
Me: "They don't"
Hayley: "Then why is the other school wearing Hooter orange?!"
Me: "That's called Tennessee orange"
Hayley: "Oh, I'm glad I don't live there and have to wear it"
January 17
Hayley's question of the night:
"Is Lance Armstrong related to Neil Armstrong?"
Love her.
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