Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baby Block

YES another great grand baby is going to welcome the Spitznagel side of the family in March, this will be #29--and we are still growing!! I am so blessed to be apart of this amazing family who loves to get together and spoil the Momma and babies
Baby Sarah is the newest baby of the family, just a month old. This was the first time we saw her so of course I had to get my hands on her. Check out the awesome boots--baby Ugs!!

GG is blessed with 9 great grand daughters, 2 live outta town, so here is the picture with all the ones who were in town!

Yummy lunch--fruit and Spanish Salad

LOVE LOVE LOVE girl cousin time

Me and my gal

Door prizes after a fun game of Danny the Dinosaur
As always a delicious cake from Adrianne's

Look how cute Megan is with her baby bump! Just a few weeks until we meet the newest addition

4 Generations
GG, Momma, Me and Hayley
The strongest, most amazing woman I have ever GG

So blessed and thankful that the Lord continues to bless our family with beautiful and healthy babies. We are working on our 4 generation and what an honor it is to add to this family.

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