Saturday, September 15, 2012

My newest addiction...

(Alicia, quit reading now- I am keeping this in my food log and I am already upping my mileage bc of this).
 I totally blame this addiction on the girls I work with!! Since Hayley is extremely allergic to tree nuts/peanuts they are always trying to help find things that she can eat. Mrs. Kinzel (Hayley's 2nd grade teacher) bought this PB type goodness at Traders Joe's and wanted her to try it. I looked at it and it said "may contain traces of tree/peanuts" and I decided against it. Can't take that chance with her.
I did try it and rally didn't expect it to be all that good since it was a PB type food. I am not a big PB type person but do crave a good ole PBJ sandwich every once in a while. This WASN'T the case--it was like the heavens opened and angels started singing. I just had a little bit on my pretzel but asked Kinzel to get me a whole jar!! It's more of a graham cracker, sugar added taste--its pure heaven on earth. I ate it by the spoon fulls--don't worry, I share with Jennifer and Terri--they agreed, its a must have. My jar only lasted 1.5 days--haven't been back to get more, trying will power--if I have it, I will eat the whole jar, its that good! Maybe I will find some in my stocking at Christmas!!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

OH MY! That does look soo good!! :) :)

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

You need to post so every time I open your block I am not looking at this yummy goodness that I'm so tempted to try! ha!

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