Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I wish I could record our conversations sometimes, they are always interesting and keep my laughing. Here are a couple that I had posted on FB this month

Aug 14
Hayley: "momma, are you really going to wear your hair like that?"
Me: "yup, that's how I wear it every day (sloppy pony)
Hayley: "oh, well you look like Medusa."
Me: "Geeze, thanks love"
Hayley: "well you do, it looks like you have snakes crawling outta your pony"

Aug 20
You know it's gonna be a good day when ya hear "I like your style" (jeans, tshirt, sloppy pony and flip flops) from a complete stranger in the hallway. (Hayley turns and runs, she might just die from embarrassment)

Aug 23
Today's breakfast conversation:

Hunter: " I have to build an island and tell about its climate and living conditions today, what island should I do?"
Hayley: "Rhode Island!"
Hunter: "That's not an island!"
Hayley: "12 Mile Island!!"
Hunter: "That's not an island either"
Hayley: "YES it is, its Paradise's Island!!"

Happy Thursday!!

Sept 5

Hayley gets up, runs to the window, opens blinds and then starts crying in disappointment. Said she needs a snow day.
Happy Hump Day!!

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