Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gatlinburg--Day 2

Saturday, we awoke to a yummy breakfast prepared by Ma. That woman knows how to cook and we all LOVE it and take full advantage of it too.
Eric and Pa
After getting our bellies full we hit the Outlet Mall!! Oh, how I love thee.
You can tell that the boys were less then excited about this trip! We only allowed them to come along so they could carry about bags and pay for things, got them trained!!
Eric, Pa, Brian and Hunter
My awesome deal of the day was in the NIKE store (I could of spent all day in there) Hayley found these shoes for $30 they were orginally $67!! I was one happy Momma. I looked for me a pair because I liked them so much,but didn't have them
Shopping wears this Daddy out!
Unc, Angela and kids arrived a little after 2, we saw each other briefly becaues we had reservations for DIXIE STOMPEDE!! This is the onyl thing that Hayley wasnted to do wthile we were here. It killed me because we weren't allowed to take pictures--it was so neat. The food was AMAZING adn the kids loved the fact that you HAD to eat it with your hands--they don't give you silverware.
Ma and Hayley
Blessed beyond words..
Pop and Nana
Once we got back to the cabin it was time for some relaxign in the Hot Tub
Nana and Pop with their gandbabies
Ma with her GREAT grandbabies
Quick photo session with the couisns
Hayley, Faith, Hunter, Luke
Back out for a night of Go Carting, Gatliburg and Krispy Kreme--my weakness!!
Funny story, Brian stopped to get me some donuts, the sign wasn't on so I made him leave, I will only eat HOT Krispy Kreme donuts...Im spoiled like that!
Hayley and I were driving partners
Finally at 11:30 a HOT donut!!!
No worries, I will run extra in the morning!

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