Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wedding Preparations

Only 2 days until Aunt Erin's wedding and we are getting SO excited!! The kids and I spent the day  doing our last minute preparations...haircut for Hunter, mani/pedi with Emily and picking up Hunter's suite. Grandpa met us at Rally's to pick up Hunter and they ran errands while Hayley and I got our fingers and toes done. Thanks Grandpa,  for entertaining Hunter for me.
 One of the many advantages of having a HUGE family is that you are blessed with cousins of every job possible, Emily is our personal family manicurist!! She did a wonderful job, too bad we don't live closer, I could get used to this kind of pampering!

 After we were done getting pampered we headed to David's Bridal/Men's Warehouse to pick up Hunter's suit for the wedding. He was less then excited to have to try it on, thankfully we did because we had to get a longer shirt. I told him this was practice for the big day and he better get used to people wanting his picture because it wasn't often we get all cleaned up and in a suit or dress for that matter.
Can't believe that it's almost here!! WE ARE SO EXCITED!!

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