Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mega Cavern

Hunter's class went to Mega Cavern on Friday and I got to tag along. I am cherishing these memories because I know that they are slowly coming to an end and it will no longer be cool to have your Momma around on field trips! My little boy is growing up so fast, its breaks my heart.

 Poor thing, there are some things your just can't change and that would be his liking for UL. He is the only one in our family who likes UL, we give him a hard way to go. Needless to say, I am not going to quit wearing my UK clothes.

The tour was interesting, I do have to say that I like the "Lights under Louisville" much better, but its something that we can say we have done.  I would like to do the zip line tour with the kids but will have to wait until they are old enough (10 years) and weigh at least 50 pounds.

All the pictures I took were too dark to tell what they were besides these. Oh well, I have memories that will last longer then pictures right?!

different levels of limestone
 Really don't know how I would feel about seeking shelter under here with 50,000 people if we had a natural disaster. I remember at the entrance to the Christmas lights they had a sign up advertising this, not the best feeling in the world. Think that we will just stay put on the farm and pray that we will never have to face this in our lifetime!

Shelter spots


 I am truly blessed that I can share these special days with each of my kiddos.

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