Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Friday!

Just wanted to take a minute to say Happy Friday!! It's been a crazy week, with lots going on...tis the season so I am trying to play catch up on posting. Looking back I can't remember taking lots of pictures this week, I know...bad Momma. Please forgive me.

Highlights of our week were:
~BEAUTIFUL weather this week, 75ish!! I was thankful for being able to take the kids outside during the day and letting them burn some energy!
~Hunter ordered new glasses and lenses--he is all grown up now (sniff...tear!) Gained another line on the charts. THANK YOU JESUS! Was kind of bummed about not being done with VT, but has made HUGE progress thus far. Just some tweaking here and there!!
~Thursday I went to the outlet mall with Jen and Diana and got lots of Christmas shopping done. I only need a few small things and I am done!
~Progress Reports came out today and both kids are still doing wonderfully. Brian and I are starting to wonder whose the parents of these kids, neither one of them take after us in school. THANK YOU JESUS!
~Hunter got to have lunch at Home Town Pizza with Mr. Abell and the rest of the students who made the Principal's List....we are so proud of you and all your hard work!

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