Monday, November 22, 2010

Crazy Cousins

Saturday, we headed over to Uncle Steve's to help Grandma Farnsely celebrate her 72nd birthday!!! It was complete and total chaos--kids wrestling, running all over the house and being spoiled by everyone! One of the many benefits of being the great-grand kids!!  Granny (Brian's mom) and the Donati's (Aunt Brenda, Broc and Caroline) were in town, hints all the craziness!!! We get so excited when the Donati's come in town because we only get to see them once a year!! Our kiddos are only month apart and LOVE to play with each other---its so much fun to watch.

Hunter and Broc
(Hunter is 9 months older!)

Caroline and Hayley
                                                              (Hayley is 3 months older)

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Grandma,
Happy birthday to you.

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