Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Trunk

It's been a while since we have been up to church on Halloween for the simple fact that we usually go in
Pop's neighborhood. When you live in the country like us, its kinda hard to go house to house so the local churches have Trick or Trunk. Basically its where people park their vehicles and people go from car to car and to the few local houses next door. The kids had lots of fun, got way too much candy, ate some yummy chili and hot dogs and played lots of fun games! 

My football player and Urkel

Nathan was so cute as a biker!! Can you believe that Bro. Josh and Diana dressed him like this? We are starting to rub off a little more each day. He looks like a true Red Neck's son.
Lana was a fairy princess
Me and my babies

the parking lot was full of cars, candy and games
Lori brought the kids up towards the end of the night and good thing they were cute, because Clayton was so awful--he didn't get his nap out! Will post pictures of their costumes when Lori sends me some tomorrow.
Clayton was a bear
Leah was a butterfly

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