Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gallrein Farm

Today we met our friends the Oedy's (Ms. Diana, Lana and Nathan) and the Murphy's (Ms. Manda and Jack) at Gallrein Farm. It was the perfect day for a KFC picnic lunch, petting zoo, hay ride and pumpkins. The kids were perfect!!! This was the first time that I had taken all 4 (Hunter, Hayley, Clayton  and  Leah) out in public for an extended amount of time other then allergy shots and Vision Therapy on Tuesdays. 
We started our day off with non other then a picnic lunch complete with KFC chicken, mashed taters, green beans, mac and cheese, cole slaw and biscuits!! It was oh so yummy!! 

Jack,Hayley, Lana and Clayton

Jack loved the biscuits
After lunch we headed to the petting zoo. I noticed that last week when Brian and I were there with the kids that a ice cream cone of feed was $1. I was smart and made each child their own baggie of sweet feed from the house. It was a BIG hit--they had a blast feeding the animals!!
 Hunter and Clayton being silly

We fed ponies,
Ms. Diana got in on the action too!
I told Jack to kiss the llama and he was trying to climb up to do it!!
 and sheep,
the kids loved running back and forth feeding each animal

Leah loved being carried in her "backpack"
 We tried several times to get a picture of all the kids together, but that is nearly impossible when you have 7 kids ages 10 weeks-8 years old. This is as good as it got. We were missing Leah and Jack

this little boy (next to Hayley) decided that he wanted to be in our picture. Guess he was standing in for Jack!
I love Jack Murphy....he is so durn funny!!
this is just one of his MANY personalities
Clayton wanted a picture too

 Leah was all smiles!! She LOVED being outside and watching everyone!!
 After the petting zoo we washed our hands and headed to the haystacks. Talking about complete and utter chaos--the kids were all over this. I can't even begin to tell you how many times they ran from top to bottom and then all around the sides--they had so much fun!
Hayley, Clayton and Hunter
Nathan was all smiles watching the madness
they had a spider tube that the kids could run thru
While we waited for our turn on the tractor we had a little snack: oreo's and kool-aid!!

We had an entire tractor and wagon to ourselves and the kids really seemed to enjoy being able to run wild in the patch while looking for pumpkins.

Ms. Diana and Nathan
Clayton took a rest on a pumpkin
Jack wanted this pumpkin
Hayley, Clayton and Hunter

The kids wanted to stop and measure themselves. I can't believe how big they are getting--seems like just yesterday they were all the size of Leah and now look at them!!
We had a full day filled with lots of fun. Thanks for coming and playing with us. Can't wait til our next play date next week.

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