Monday, October 4, 2010

Pumpkin Search

Friday afternoon we headed to Galrein Farm to pick up pumpkins up for our party. It was such a beautiful day, I wish that we weren't in such a hurry so that we could of spent more time there. I have already made plans to go o back over fall break for a play date with some friends.
While we were there we had to find a special pumpkin for my favorite nephew, Keegan!! It was SO much fun watching Brian and the kids walking all over the fields to find the right one. The kids were being used as markers when Brian found a big one--it was so funny watching them yell at each other when they thought they found it!

Hunter was so content on the hay ride...he was in his element

Hayley had to do everything her big brother was doing

Love of my life

                                               I can't believe that he is actually smiling for a picture!

I am Beyond Blessed!!

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