Sunday, October 10, 2010

ETC fun

I was downstairs today with the little ones (ages 2-5) in ETC (Extended Teach and Care) and had so much fun with them. Our numbers were down (we had 4 and we usually have 12-15) since its fall break for the surrounds three counties (Anderson, Spencer and Shelby) so the kids had lots of one on one time.

Me and my gal, Lana

Sydney being silly

Ada making a telescope

 Our lessons was on being thankful and we drew pictures of what we were thankful for. I think that I had more fun making my picture and the kids had more fun telling me that I wasn't a very good artist.

Ada's thankful for: Hersey bars (that's my girl), pancakes, pink horse and her family

 Lana is thankful for macaroni

Its been a weird transition period for me since I have now taken over Children's Church (ages 1st-5th), I miss not being in the classroom with them as much as I used to. I've been with these kids since they have been a year and now they are 4 & 5, breaks my heart but at least I still am with them in Team Kids!

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