Thursday, March 11, 2010

Father/Daughter dance

Tonight was Hayley and Brian's big date night to McDonald's and the Father/Daughter Dance. She has been talking of this for the past two weeks and I was really worried that with the weather we were suppose to have, Brian would be forced into work. Thank God for answered prayers, no storms! This morning when I woke her up she was so excited that today was her big day! As soon as she was in the door from school it was straight into the shower and time to get ready! I was too busy helping her to get any pictures of her getting ready, but did take some before they left and then sent the camera with them (GASP!) with strict instructions--DO NOT come home unless you have pictures!

Hayley and Momma

Hayley and Hunter

Hayley and Clayton

So pretty and ready to go

Hayley and Daddy

***Insert Dance here***

This picture melts my heart...
Daddy's little girl

Hayley was glowing and beaming when she got home. It was hard to get her to calm down and in the bed tonight because she wanted to tell me ALL the details and play by play of the evening. I don't know if I am ready for her to grow up so fast--next thing you know she will be going to prom!

I am so blessed to have such a loving and devoted husband who finds time to create special memories for all of us. You are the best and I love you more then you will ever know!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Awwwww :) So sweet!

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