Saturday, March 20, 2010

Burning the hollar

Brian was on off this weekend so we took advantage of this beau-tee-ful weather we have been having and set the hollar on fire. Don't worry we called Dispatch and let them know we were going to do this! The kids were excited to be able to help him do this and have a "bon-fire" in the backyard. What says warm weather more then bon-fires? In the summer its a weekly thing at our house to have one complete with s'mores. Unfortunately we didn't get to have any with this fire--its was a bit much to have and I didn't think we could find any 8' sticks as our roasters!! Dan dropped off the dozer so that he could come and push the brush together as it burns--what a hot job!

Hunter was running up and down the hill collecting sticks to throw into our fire. He thought it needed some more, as if there was enough! I told him to be careful because there was a COW PATTY right where he was running--I just knew that he was going to end up in it head first. No sooner then I got the words out of my mouth, he took a hand first slide down the hill and into the patty! I had to laugh--he was SO mad that I took his picture! He immediately went and found some dirt to help clean off his hands. As if, this was the first time he has ever gotten cow poo on him!!
My little farmers......
After all that hard work, we pulled up a rock and had sit. It was so nice and peaceful to be outside in nature and be able to enjoy it and the fire!! Tynan and Truell (our neighbors) even came down to see what the flames were all about...that's just how we roll here on Mitchell Lane!!

This was the view at 11:00 standing in the back yard--it was much prettier in person...the whole hillside was glowing and crackling!!! Ahhh...we are living the life and IT IS GOOD

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