Monday, March 1, 2010

Can't win for losing

or so they say. I am starting to think that this is going to be Hayley's motto!! After two nights of very little sleep, a 104 degree temperature and lots of crying and screaming about her ears, we headed to see Dr. Massey this morning. (actually we saw Dr. Biddle because it was Dr. M's day off). You guessed it...another ear infection! Just this year it is the 4th once since June and her 3rd one since October--we are ready for this to be over already.What's the saying: 3rd times a charm?? This will be our 3rd set of tubes!!! Have an appointment with the ENT, Dr. Eyre, who just happens to be Dr. M's hubby. We like to keep our money in the same family!! He is a great Dr and surgeon, he has done both of Hayley's tube surgeries, tonsils and adenoids. We are looking forward to getting our tubes and hopefully a little relief before spring comes! Will keep you posted on how our appointment goes.

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