Monday, December 21, 2009

Fisher Christmas

Went to Indiana to have Christmas with my side of the family. Everyone was there: Aunt Amy, Uncle Jason, Keegan, Aunt Erin, Brian and Grandma and Grandpa Fisher. It was wild and crazy as ever with the kids running all over the place as usual--we were sure to wear them out for the ride home. As usual the kids received way too much....I kept asking if George was going to send Santa's sleigh to help us pack home all the goodies.
America's most wanted
(notice no sisters were in this picture- we were getting dinner ready)

pretty impressed with Mom's cuteness
(notice the star in the butter)

Aunt Erin and her monkey's

spider man tooth brush



Hayley couldn't wait to put this on!

Keegan and Grandpa Fisher

New Bedspread

So excited--the paper couldn't come off fast enough

deer feeder

Grandpa gets a new "old person" robe

Grandma gets a pair of new shoes

or two

wait 3!

Grandpa's sweat that
"came from Keegs house"


New backpack and lunchbox

as always, Mom gets creative on how
we get our present--this year it was
an "expensive shirt"

Hunter and Keegan playing with
his new Batman Cave

Where's Santa?

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good night!

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