Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas with the Farnsley's

Drove out to Uncle Steve's house to celebrate Christmas with some of the Farnsley's. Aunt Brenda and her gang, Aunt Betsy, Granny and Daniel were not in town this year. We had a great time and shared lots of laughter as always. Dinner was great and we were very impressed with Uncle Doug's cooking--the turkey was a little dry though--(sorry Doug, we couldn't resist)
Hayley had a great time having Casey all to herself, as Hunter did Doug--guess they just got spoiled at Thanksgiving!

Casey and Hayley

Uncle Doug's (dry) turkey

proof that the MEN were cooking
(well, all but Brian--he was in the way more then anything!)

Brian was chosen to be Santa this year
(yes the presents are wrapped in foil--that tradition!)

reading Uncle Steve's letter
(he gave Brian a little bell and told him to ring in and I would do whatever he asked!)
too bad it the bell didn't work

Casey and her disco ball

Baby Alive!

Uncle Steve and his
Victoria Secret bag

love the hat Elton~

Uno Attack

Nintendo DS games

new medical bracelet designs

how cute--butterflies

another Nintendo DS game

Tree Stand
notice how Brian is all excited and checking this out--we will see whose field this end up in!

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