Saturday, September 15, 2012

My newest addiction...

(Alicia, quit reading now- I am keeping this in my food log and I am already upping my mileage bc of this).
 I totally blame this addiction on the girls I work with!! Since Hayley is extremely allergic to tree nuts/peanuts they are always trying to help find things that she can eat. Mrs. Kinzel (Hayley's 2nd grade teacher) bought this PB type goodness at Traders Joe's and wanted her to try it. I looked at it and it said "may contain traces of tree/peanuts" and I decided against it. Can't take that chance with her.
I did try it and rally didn't expect it to be all that good since it was a PB type food. I am not a big PB type person but do crave a good ole PBJ sandwich every once in a while. This WASN'T the case--it was like the heavens opened and angels started singing. I just had a little bit on my pretzel but asked Kinzel to get me a whole jar!! It's more of a graham cracker, sugar added taste--its pure heaven on earth. I ate it by the spoon fulls--don't worry, I share with Jennifer and Terri--they agreed, its a must have. My jar only lasted 1.5 days--haven't been back to get more, trying will power--if I have it, I will eat the whole jar, its that good! Maybe I will find some in my stocking at Christmas!!

Cross Country practice

Hunter has CC practice on Monday and Wednesday's after school and I take full advantage of it and spend some one on one time with Hayley. This week, we met Lee Anne and Claire for "sunny days aka sundae's" since the weather was beautiful!!
Hayley and Claire
Hard to see but Hunter was leading the pack!! I am so proud of him and how much he has matured in running. This summer has helped him so much, his pacing, breathing and times are much better. Can't wait for his meet next week to see what he can do!
We headed back to practice just as it was ending and the kids were playing Sharks and Minnow for their cool down.
(Hunter is 3rd--red shorts and black top)
I am blessed that Hunter has finally found a sport that he loves and enjoys!

Weekend Random pictures

Random pictures from our weekend....
Grandpa, Hunter and Keegan
cool cousins
Sweet Blake (pray for him, 5 yo from Mt Eden with brain cancer) and his 1/2 way thru treatment hat--he loved it!
Heavy D--look at those cheeks
Sunday, we lit a lantern for Matt, hard to believe it's been 3 month
Hunter and his "new glasses"
Claire being a "native woman"
Hayley got bangs (thanks to her hairbrush incident)

Baby Spitznagel

Sunday, we took advantage of Ryan and Melissa being in town and had a  baby shower for their newest addition! It was such a nice time to get spend with her since we don't see them much--she is so itty bitty and all belly, makes me sick. I got in plenty of belly runs while we were visiting Gramps before hand.  Can't wait to see pictures of this newest Spitznagel
Jennifer (the oldest grandchild) read a cute story before the blessing the food, love our family traditions
 Hayley and Macy were partners in crime. Look at those cheeks
Since they were flying, it was decided that we would do a "GIFT CARD" shower--so nice, easy and a super cute idea.
 We all wrote our wishes to her and the baby on the leaves and she read hem
GG and Melissa
Hayley was SUPER pumped about the cake, it came from Adrianne's bakery!! HEAVEN ON EARTH
Lots of icing, just the way she likes it
A quick picture of me and my gal
Grandma, Hayley and GG
So excited that our family is growing yet again. God is good and his blessings are abundant

Flag Football

Sunday we made a full day of being in town and went to see Keegan's first flag football game! He was so cute running and did so well, better then I would of ever done. It was neat because Keegan was playing Drew and Ben's team--it was cousin day at the game.

Grandpa decided that we needed Zesto's and we all were in agreement!  This has been a common routine when we are in town, I really wish we had one of these at home!! We have to settle for Mc Donald's or Dairy Queen Ice Cream!
mint chocolate chip= yummy!!
 (don't worry, I ran extra!)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cabin Pictures

Since I forgot to post pictures of our cabin on Day 1, I decided that I would post them now..
Smokey Mountian Cinnema was the name and it was perfect!!
Beautiful from the outside
1 st floor, you walked straight into this beautiful kitchen that was all open

LOVE LOVE LOVE this table--
a nice family room with fireplace and TV


 there were 2 master bedrooms complete with jacuzii tubs on each side
The basement had the big screen home theater
2 more master bed/baths with awesome private porches
and a hot tub off one bedroom
2nd floor had 2 more master bed/baths, another full bath, pool table and a family room with a TV
and stairs to the loft/game room
3rd floor was a loft on one side
 and game room on the other

It was perfect for our large family....
6 master bed/bath
1 full bath
1 loft that had a bunk bed, futon and queen bed

Gatlinburg--Day 4

Monday was the dreaded last day of our get away. It was raining, we all were tired, kids were melting down because of the possibility of not being able to do the Sling Shot. I guess God knew, I couldn't handle it because there was a brief 45 minute break from rain---ANSWERED PRAYERS
They were totally stoked about this...I was nervous Nelly
All strapped in
We took advantage of the empty place, I mean who else Go Karts  at 9am?
Two  happy and worn out kids
I am beyond thankful that we got this chance to go away with the Wethington's. You never know what tomorrow hold for you. The memories that we all will have of our trip, the stories and laughter will become more precious over time. I am truly blessed.