Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spitznagel Easter

We headed to Indiana for the Spitznagel side Easter celebration at Lapping Park--the weather was BEAUTIFUL!!! You know that your family is large and ever growing when you officially have outgrown a house!! We are one. big. happy. family!

Dad thinks he's super cool with his Iphone
Aunt Erin took some of the kids on a nature hike...
Sam. Keegan. Hayley. Charlotte. Hunter
 while others were busy hiding 600 eggs for 16 kids! That is NO LIE--these great grand kids are super spoiled!!
 Brian went with them and found a snake and let the kids pet it. No worries, it was just a cow snake! Yup, he got nephew of the year, once again!
This is one of the many reasons I love GG, cucumbers and onions are a MUST at any family function!! I can eat these all day long and am super glad that my kids and husband HATES these!!

And then madness begins.....lining up the kids youngest to oldest (1 year (Ryan) -10 years (Hunter))! There were 16 of the 23 great grand kids were there and it was a sight to see.

Hayley and Bree are a pair
As if 600 eggs weren't enough, each child was given and number and then got to choose another prize from the "prize store" Yes, I love my crazy Hen's--they have prizes for everything

Breaks my heart to know that my kids are so grown up....
but will always be our little boy and girl.
Brian "helped" Hayley count her eggs, he uses this excuse to check out the candy.

These boys are something else to watch. I am SO blessed that even though we don't live close, they are SO  close when they get together. Pick up where they left off and love each other so much. Thankful that they are this way.
Ben , Drew, Max, Hunter, Kieran
Momma was still sporting her brace from her Heely's accident (still laughing about that)


We loved being able to spend such a beautiful day with our families.

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