Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hunter turns the big 1-0!!

I can't believe that Hunter is turned the big 1-0!! That's really hard for me, to think that I have a child in double digits, time is flying by and I want to make it stop. He is growing like a week and will be passing me up in no time, he is already up to my nose!!

Some things never change no matter how old you get, my kids love to wake up early and open their presents. It was 7:30 and Hunter  had opened presents, started on Krispy Kreme Donuts and was playing with his new DS games, this must be the life!

After church we headed to TGIFridays at 4th Street for lunch. Hunter has been talking about this is where he wanted to eat since the Bahamas. We ate at one in Florida and he LOVED it, that is saying lots since he is such a picky eater!!

As we were walking to the car we saw that there was a bowling alley on 4th Street, score one for us!! We always let the kids chose what they want to do after lunch/dinner and he wanted to go bowling. I was kinda hesitant to go in since it was a bowling alley/bar but it was early enough that we were the only people in it!! Hunter was also in heaven because at the end of the lanes there were these HUGE screens and the Patriots were playing--that's his team (or so he says!)

This picture cracks me up, that's my mini me!! She stole my camera because I wasn't taking enough pictures! A blogger in the making

Me and my baby boy!

Happy Birthday Hunter, you are such a blessing in our lives and you will never know how much we love you!! Please quit growing up so fast!!

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