Monday, July 4, 2011

Fireworks with Fisher's

Grandma and Grandpa Fisher were grilling out with the whole family and GG and Gramps, so we made a special trip in town. What an nice day to spend some quality time with the parents, sisters and grandparents. It's hard to find a day when everyone is off work and have nothing planned, so days like this are few and far between, but cherished!!

The kids played outside while we waited for everyone else to arrive

 and for a yummy dinner (chicken, ribs, corn, potatoes, green beans, salad and angel food cake!) to finish cooking!
 Hayley was more then excited when I told her that we were going to have ribs. She can eat her weight in them, sometimes I wonder who her parents are--that girl loves ribs and fried chicken!! Silly girl also told me to take a picture of the ribs for the blog!

I got some loving in on my toothless nephew--he lost his 2 front teeth and is so stinkin' cute!
 After dinner, Daddy, Aunt Amy and I loaded up the kids and headed to get fireworks! The kids (and Brian) were SUPER excited.

 They all could not wait to get everything out and see what all we bought!
We had a brief photo session with the grandparents while we waited for it to get dark

I had to laugh because they didn't care that it wasn't dark, or even dusk, yet and they were already into the popper and sparklers.
 Aunt Erin is a pyro, like Daddy, so she got the honor of helping the kids with their sparklers. Hayley isn't all that sure of them. We usually don't do fireworks at home because the Brian is always working and I just don't wanna mess with them. Give my kids a box of poppers and sparklers and its all good!

 Brian was setting off some bottle rocket thingies, and the kids stood in amazement! I was laughing so hard--they seriously wouldn't move.
me and my daddy
 All that excitement from the sparklers and poppers called for a Popsicle break

 and much  laughter  at Grandma's biggest baby....Aunt Erin
 It finally got dark enough to do our fireworks! The kids were excited, screamed and clapped at every. single. one.  Oh to be young again. I wanted to take more pictures but was enjoying watching the kids expressions and reactions to them!

Thanks for a fun filled evening, bellies and loves of memories that we will cherish forever. Love you

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