Monday, March 21, 2011

Hotel fun

We stayed at the nicest hotel in Indy, Staybridge Suites and couldn't get over how nice they were. A huge room complete with a full kitchen (dishwasher too--this blew Hayley's mind!) and beautiful views of downtown Indianapolis. I had never heard of this hotel and was kinda leary of it when booking it but it was nice on the Internet and new, so I was hoping it was 50% correct.

This was the view from our parking lot! Lucas Oil Stadium was literally right across the alley. I told Brian that we should book a room now for Super Bowl 2012 and sell it later.

After the Zoo we headed back to the hotel so that I could watch the CATS play. It was so neat to watch the game in their "theater room" big screen TV and huge leather chairs--we felt important!  and the kids could go swimming. They LOVED having a pool at the fingertips, hurry up summer!!
At half time, Brian took the kids swimming so that I could finish watching the game. I have trained him well haven't I? He knows that when there is a game on, I don't like to be bothered. I did download an application onto my iPhone so that I could watch the game on there if need be.

All the fun and excitement from earlier in the day caught up with us, we we headed back to the room for a nap. It was such a nice treat, we all fell asleep!!

We were headed to dinner and was in the parking lot....

Back to the Future
We felt really old because both kids didn't know where this car was from or the name of the movie. Looks like we will be watching this on the next rainy day.

 Hayley wanted to take a picture of my toes since its finally clip clop season and I just did my toes! (Yes, that is what she calls flip flops and I refuse to correct her...its too cute!)

Happy Clip Clop Season!

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