Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spencer/Shelby Game

Tuesday was the big night, the Spencer vs Shelby game and all the kiddos got to perform their dance from the clinic last week. Hayley was super excited all week long and practiced each night--she is something else.

 It was crazy, loud, packed and full of excitement, kinda like the UK vs UL game. We arrived early enough to watch the JV team so the kids could see some boys (Alex and Darren) from church play. It was a great game and we won!!
Alex shooting free throws
We had to laugh because half of the church was there since we are right on the Spencer/Shelby county line. The entire youth group came, parents and lots of our friends to see the game and the half time entertainment.

Perry Grace and Hayley
Hunter and Nathan
Hayley and Lana
SO sweet, holding hands
Nathan LOVED Brian
that little stink!
Lana, Hayley and Nay-Nay
she was the biggest kid of them all--being crazy

Next time, we have already decided NOT to sit by the student section where you have to stand up the entire game, kind of had flashbacks to the good ole' high school days. Thank goodness those are over!! Hunter thought it was very entertaining how the students would always cheer, clap and carry on--he can't wait until he's old enough. This Momma can, he's already growing up too fast!
And now for your half time entertainment: The Spencer County Dance Team  Clinic. I am so proud of the job that Hayley (and the rest) did, that was beyond a packed gym and she did great, never seemed to both her.  I know that the pictures aren't the best, but it was the best I could do from where we were sitting.Hayley is about the half court line.  I have a video that I can't get loaded (grrrr)

Our dancing and cheering must have worked because SPENCER COUNTY beat Shelby 61-56 and now we are the Number 1 seed going into District Play!  GO BEARS!!

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