Saturday, February 26, 2011

Date Night

I am so very thankful that Brian and I finally got a much needed "date night" out. He has been working like crazy with all the mandatory OT, he was glad to have a night off. We have been looking forward to this since Christmas, when we got our Ron White tickets!! Brian absolutely loves him and is like a little kid laughing hysterically at all his jokes, and the fact that it was at the Boat where Paula Dean's buffet is, just made it even better!!
We picked the kiddos up from school and headed to Momma and Daddy's to drop them off for the weekend. So blessed that we have such awesome parents who LOVE to spend time spoiling the kids--its a win/win situation for all!!
As soon as we got there I had to take a picture of Paula, I absolutely heart her! I wanted to get my picture taken with her but Brian was being Brian, and said NO he wouldn't take it...he's such a party pooper!! I took this one and sent it to Hayley, who shares my love for her. We used to watch her cooking show every afternoon when she was little, right before nap time.

The wait wasn't all that long, maybe 30-40 minutes, time went fast as we were catching up with our friends, Dave and Kristen, who went with.The food was. to. die. for!! I could feel my arteries clogging with all the fried foods and the amount of butter I ate. So worth the $27.95 for the seafood buffet--Brian actually like the food as well. I was a little concerned with that since he is picky eater and all but he found lots that he liked. I'm not going to tell you how many plates I ate, lets just say I wore my big people pants and proud of it!!
My stomach and face hurt so bad at the end of the night from all the laughs we shared over dinner and the show. Surely, I burned a couple of calories?!

I MADE, yep you heard me right, made, him take a picture with me. You know how much I love photos and my blog, told him that we needed proof of our night out. And he gladly posed and smiled!! It was perfect!! I love him so much and am so thankful that we are able to take time to still have our date nights. We are already making plans and looking forward to our next one!

live. laugh. love

Fashion Show

GA (Girls in Action's) had a fashion show as part of their lesson. Hayley and Madison were partners in which they had to create an outfit and walk the run way showing off their designs. This was RIGHT UP HER ALLEY...Lord help me!!

Here's your sign.....

that she doesn't feel well at all. This was taken 15 minutes after I picked her up from school on Tuesday. Hayley had been complaining about  her ears and head bothering her late Sunday night, I had just thought that it was because of the BEAUTIFUL weather (upper 50's) that we were having and the fact that she was due for another allergy shot. We had Dr. Laura (Allergist) look at her ears and lo and behold they were red and inflamed, so we made an appointment with Dr.Massey.
Wednesday morning we headed to the Ped's to see what Dr. Massey thought. She is WONDERFUL to us...goes over and beyond every time we are there. Got laughing because this has been the longest stretch, 4 months, that we have ever went with Hayley not seeing her. Dr.M confirmed that both ears were red and put us on a 10 day dose of some good antibiotics. Also did a flu and strep test while we were there (see she is wonderful) since it was going round and with Hayley you just never know, its could either be nothing or everything.
We are going to see the ENT over Spring Break, (first week in April) and have her tubes checked out. It will be a year on 3/8 and the LONGEST that we have ever had a set in, this concerns us. Maybe we have just been lucky, I mean its been her 4th set and all. We shall see....

Almost over?

I can't believe that its Progress Report time already!! Both kids are doing wonderfully (thank you Jesus) and are above and beyond where they are suppose to be. Report cards will be sent home on the 18th and then we are in the homestretch....6 more weeks until schools out!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Had to snap a quick picture of all the kids before we headed off to church. It was a chore getting 4 kids up, fed, bathed, dressed and ready. SO glad I only have 2 and they are old enough for the most part to do this themselves.

Barn fun

We have been taking full advantage of this BEAUTIFUL weather that we have been having and spending it outside. The kids and I  are starting to get spring fever bad, this weather is nothing but a tease we know, and we are enjoying every minute of it.
I have been so proud of how well the kids are doing with Lighting. We haven't gotten to spend a lot of hands on time with him lately due to the weather but today was a great day. All the work that we had been doing paid off, the kids were able to saddle him up, sit on him and lead him in the drive way of the barn!! I was super excited, can't wait for some more dry days so we can work with Lighting more outside. Would of loved to ride but it was crazy windy!!

Happy Monday!!

Happy Birthay Lana

This weekend we headed over to the Oedy's to help Lana celebrate her 4th birthday. I was so thankful that things worked out and Clayton and Leah could come as well. He loved having play dates with her and they have really became such good buds, its sweet to see them play together. We are truly blessed with such awesome friends and I love being able to get together to play and love on all the kids. Everywhere you looked there were toys, toddlers and babies...LOVED every crazy, hectic minute of it! Just kept passing babies from person to person making sure each on got lots of kissing and hugging.

Jack Murphy and Me

Leah and Noah

Leah was all smiles

 What a better way to a kids heart then pizza, fruit and goldfish for dinner!! The tables were so quiet because the kids were in heaven eating. It was so cute to see them all gathered around sharing a meal together
Hayley, Jack, Nathan, Clayton, Eli, Sadie, Lana
I was super excited to finally get some loving in on baby Noah. My friend Lesley and Thom have adopted both of their boys (Eli and Noah) from Ethiopia. This was my first time meeting Noah....he is precious and healthy--look at him!!! Could just sit and eat him up, don't worry I did!!
Me and Eli being silly
The "princess" wanted cupcakes for her birthday instead of cake. Just another reason why I love Lana so much!!
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Lana,
Happy birthday to you

Thanks for letting us share in your special day!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Farm Show

We headed out bright and early Saturday morning to the Farm Machinery Show to be there when the doors opened. I really didn't know how long all the kids would last and thought that it's be less crowded first thing. Boy was I wrong---super packed!! The kids did wonderfully, they had a lecture on my rules and expectations before we even got there so they knew what was expected from them. Honestly, I wasn't all that thrilled about taking 4 kids plus Brian (he's worse then any kid) to this, but it was fine--we all had a great meltdowns or lost kids!!

And the fun begins at the Farm Show 2011
Hayley, Clayton, Leah and Hunter
 I loved all the looks that people were giving us because we had 4 kids 9,7,3, and 6 months. It's possible that they all could be ours, but THANKFULLY they are not!! Don't get me wrong, I love them all to death and wouldn't trade anything for them, but I am TOO OLD for that many babies that far apart!!
Leah was content people watching
The kids loved getting looking at everything, we had to stop and see the new Ford trucks and see what goodies they were giving out. Everyone got a raffle ticket, and we had a winner in our group...Hayley!! Just what we needed another hat--since we are hat wearing people and all. She was super excited and it was worth it! Had to laugh when Clayton asked if we won a truck..wishful thinking bud!!

patiently waiting the drawing

Hayley showing off her new hat

We stopped for a quick snack while Brian looked at trailers


Ma, Hayley, Clayton, Hunter and Brian

What would the show be if we didn't climb on a half dozen tractors and see too many things that we wanted? Its the most fun part of it all, seeing all the new "toys" and daydreaming about them!!

Needless to say the ride home was quiet, all the kids but Hunter napped, including me!!

All tuckered out

Too much fun for Brian
All in all it was a successful and fun trip. Can't wait to go back next year, minus two kids!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


that Brian is romantic and does love me!! I was very surprised to find these on the kitchen table on Valentines Day. Brian has been working 16 hour days for the past week and only get a few hours of sleep a night, that makes these even more special. He'd die if he knew I made such a fuss over these, he tells me that he "has to keep up his reputation." Thanks babe for being my Valentine for the past 11 years (gosh we are getting old)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine Luncheon

Sunday was a BIG day at church for us, Hayley sang (still trying to upload video--grrr) and then we got to enjoy the annual Youth Sponsored Valentines Lunch. It's always so yummy and nice we look forward to it yearly.Nothing like having youth wait on you hand and foot serving Italian food--our favorite. Brian had to work that night so he and Hunter went home after service, so Hayley and I  enjoyed some time together with some special friends.

Hayley hi-jacked my camera
Hayley and Lana

Taylor was our server
They also had a little photo op place where you could have your picture taken with your sweetheart. I can't count the numbers of time the girls kept running up there, posing for everyone. They are so sweet. I did manage to capture a snapshot of them, their eyes are a little crazy, but it will have to do.

Lana, Hayley, Perry and Abby
I am SO blessed that Hayley has such a great core group of girls she runs with at church. These 4 girls are pretty tight and so much fun to watch grow. Its also a blessing that our families are so close to each other as well, hoping that our friendship as well as our kids continue to grow and strengthen over the years.

Over due

Sunday we ran over to Dan and Lori's to drop off Valentines presents. I got some much needed lovin' in on BOTH kids and can't wait til this weekend when I have sweet Leah over night!! Hayley and I are looking forward to some "girl time" with her, the boys are going to the Farm Show.

One of her many faces and attitudes

Me and my boy...miss him bunches

Hayley, Clayton, Hunter and Leah
The transition between sitters is going--its a big adjustment for all involved! I can't wait until Team Kids starts in March because I am going to be taking Clayton again. The kids love being able to take him to Church and he loves it as well!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cousin Fun

We had a great weekend playing with Luke!! It was wild and  crazy, filled with lots of squeals, laughter and "funnies" aka Smarties. Missed not being able to play with or love on Faith but she was down for a nap. Love you all and miss you, looking forward to your next trip home so we can play longer
 We headed to Indiana to see Keegan for a while. As always, I love the way that kids play so well together. Don't worry, Brian and I got in lots of spoiling time as well.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Weider Sweets

One of my girlfriends (Jessica Weidersatz) is super talented and is now sharing her creations with others in the form of sugar cookies!! I was excited that we finally worked things out that I got to see AND taste her work of art. They are almost too cute to eat, but you know me and how I LOVE cookies--I gave in and ate one of the little hearts and gave her 2 thumbs up!!

Super cute cookies I ordered for kids Valentines Party
Jessica is just doing this for fun, seriously, I don't think baking upteen dozen of cookies and decorating them is fun, but to each their own!! She has a list of all the cookies she can make a mile long, over 100 different cookie cutter types and if there is something you want and she doesn't have, she'll work with you! Check out her website  There are a few cookies on there, I told her she needs up update her pictures!! I stole some from her FB page, they are just too cute, reasonably priced and yummy!! If your interested in ordering from her let me know, I can give you the hook up!!


New Year's Eve

Super Bowl
footballs, Packers and Steelers helmet

Christmas cookies

Smiley face with braces

Winter box

Giraffe, Hippo, Elephant

Snow Day #6

We had yet another snow day yesterday and I took full advantage of it doing a little Spring cleaning. My motivation is that I am hoping by doing this, Spring will come a little more quickly and I couldn't stand be lazy another day. Enough is enough already, we didn't even go out to play, it was bitter cold and windy.
Hayley kept herself busy with her beloved karaoke machine, ipod and doing some crafts and painting sets she got for Christmas. So thankful to have these for days like today

Making a purse

final product--much cuter in person

Hunter kept himself busy as well, playing Study Island and some other games on the computer. We got in lots of patching time today...BONUS

While the kids were busy, I went thru cabinets, closets and drawers and came up with this start of a lovely yard sale pile!! I can't wait until the weather breaks, I know I have about 4 totes of clothes that I need to go thru as well. It's a good start and makes me oh so happy!!

 Happy Spring Cleaning to you!!