Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

It's been tradition as long as Hunter has been born that we go to Louisville and Trick or Treat with Pop. Last year, Brian had to work-- so he was super excited, as were the kids, that he was off this year. In the past we have always went to Zoneton Firehouse and Little Flock for our goodies--this year we changed it up some. Unity had Trick or Trunk and then we went around Pop and Nana's subdivision--the kids had a blast. I honestly don't know who had more fun the kids or Brian. Nana and I laughed at how many times they fell running from house to house! We ended up with more candy that they could ever dream of.
Tony, Hunter, Eric and Hayley
Hunter with a Spiderman pumpkin

Daddy and his monsters

Can you believe that Brian is smiling?

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