Wednesday, August 21, 2013

On the road again...

Well, school has started and the crazy life of beign a taxi driver has begun again. I am just now getting into the swing of thigns and our schedules down. 3 different people (Hayley, Hunter and I) in 3 differnt schools (TES, MS, JCC) with 3 differnt start and stop times (7:30-2:40, 8:40-3:40 and 10-3) I know that people do this all the time and I am very lucky that this is the first time that I get to experience this. All in all, its been working out well, I get outta school and can pick up Hayley adn then we have about 30 minutes before Hunter gets done with CC practice. This gives us a few minutes to talk about her day and play on the playground. I look forward to Wednesday's, I get about 30 minutes with Hunter to do the same before Hayley's Ensemble ends at 5:15.  Then its straight to chuch by 6. I have to keep telling myself: I AM TOO BLESED TO BE STRESSED and thankful that I am able to be the taxi cab for my kids. Soon enought they will be grown up and driving themselves.

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