Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Erica's bridal tea

Sunday was Erica's bridal tea...
the tables were set

so beautiful
little girls table
YUMMY food
sweet cousins
Hayley, Bree, Sarah and Macy
The Chicks:
Stacie, Erica (bride to be) Kelly, Kim, Ju, Erin, Megan, Me and Emily

Kathy, Susie, Debbie, Mom, GG, Sandy and Carol
4 generations:
GG, Momma, Me and Hayley
GG and Me
me and my gal
present time
fun goodie bags
beautiful press on nails

I love that our family has this tradition and the meaning of it, looking forward to sharing many more teas with the girls!

On the road again...

Well, school has started and the crazy life of beign a taxi driver has begun again. I am just now getting into the swing of thigns and our schedules down. 3 different people (Hayley, Hunter and I) in 3 differnt schools (TES, MS, JCC) with 3 differnt start and stop times (7:30-2:40, 8:40-3:40 and 10-3) I know that people do this all the time and I am very lucky that this is the first time that I get to experience this. All in all, its been working out well, I get outta school and can pick up Hayley adn then we have about 30 minutes before Hunter gets done with CC practice. This gives us a few minutes to talk about her day and play on the playground. I look forward to Wednesday's, I get about 30 minutes with Hunter to do the same before Hayley's Ensemble ends at 5:15.  Then its straight to chuch by 6. I have to keep telling myself: I AM TOO BLESED TO BE STRESSED and thankful that I am able to be the taxi cab for my kids. Soon enought they will be grown up and driving themselves.

My little runner

I can't even being to express how proud I am of Hunter and his dedication to Cross Country. He has given 110% since day one and its starting to pay off. His times are getting better, his breathing, form and confidence is growing as well. I love that I get to watch him practice and long for the day that I can run with him again! Looking forward to the meets this year! T minus 2 weeks until meet 1.

Hunter Education Class

Brian took the kids last week to their Hunter Education class--it was Thursday and Friday from 6-9:30 and Saturday from 9-1. I am so relieved that they both passed the class and test!!! Now they can hunter without an adult when they get of age. I honestly think Brian was happiest of us all.
Hayley shooting an air rifle
Hunter shot a 20 gauge

They are slowly becoming quite the hunters just like their Daddy

Salsa making round 2

I was a brave soul and decided to try makign Ma's salsa by myself. It really is a labor of love that goes into this recipe.
It took me 4 hours to wash, peel and dice 4 gallons of tomatos. 

Then another 2 hours to chop and add the peppers, onions, garlic
Finally after simming and cooking down, I ended up with 13 quarts and 4 pints of garden fresh salsa!!

Keegan turns 8

Keegan turned 8, how is that possible?!??! We headed over to Sky Zone to join in his birthday celebration. I was bummed because that was on our summer "to do list" before I broke my ankle and I didn't get to jump with the kids. No big deal, I had a blast watching everyone--it was wild and crazy.
Hayley thought these shoes were so cool--high tops!
Daddy's little girl

Brian was literally jumping off the walls
Hunter loved dunking
Nothing like a family friendly game of dodge ball:
Brian, Hunter, Erin, Hayley, Brian and Amy

Such a cute cake!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, dear Keegan
Happy Birthday to you!

A new tackle box for all your fishing gear

Promotion Sunday

I love our little church and how they always make it a point to pray over the students, faculty and staffs of the schools before school starts. I can't believe that this was also "Promotion Sunday" and Hunter is now in Youth!! He is growing up so fast in so many ways.
During service he reached over and held my hand--love when he does this and isn't worried about others. Can't I keep him little forever?!

Good-bye Goatee

Brian was getting tired and hot with his goatee, so he let the kids help shave! It was so funny to see how excited they were to help him. I was nervous that they would cut to close to his face, Brian didn't seem to care. Funny how different he looks now, this is how he was we first met!! I have to say that I did like the goatee but am not sad to see it go!

Friday, August 9, 2013

1st day of school

Can't believe that we are starting another school year, where did summer go? I feel bad that this was an abnormal summer for the kids with me being laid up but told them I was rested and ready to go this year. Having 2 kids, 2 different schools, 2 different start/end times was going to be a real adjustment for me. I am looking forward to getting life back to normal schedule and routine, it makes my heart happy! I am weird like that-
       Kids were up at starting their day at 5:40, we had to leave by 7 to get Hunter to school. Middle School starts at 7:25 and ends at 2:35. Hayley's school runs from 8:40-3:35, that's an hour difference in morning and afternoon. Not a big deal on days I work because I can just go in early and start working on things.
Oh, the primping!! I am NOT ready for this. I'm a pony tail, chap stick kind of girl
First day of 6th Grade
First day of 4th grade
My babies are growing up 
and I soon will be looking eye to eye with this one
sister and brother
my biggest blessings ever!
I always try to sneak a little note in their lunch boxes the first day of school and randomly thru the year. Was told later by Hunter, that I embarrassed him and NOT to do it again!
The only funny conversations were: Hunter wanting to know how he was going to be poop in 3 minutes (passing time) and Hayley asking if I was upset because she was fixing her own hair.
**First day was a complete success, I knew it was going to be!  We all were worn out and asleep by 8-8:30

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Middle School open house?!?!

Monday we headed to Spencer County Middle School (SCMS) for Hunter's open house. Crazy, that he is in Middle School this year. I am not worried about him, he is so smart and loves school (has an AP English and Reading class) so I know that he will be just fine! 
I signed him up for BOOST Camp last week, this is like an orientation where they get to tour the school, play with their locker and get to know their schedule and teachers. He said it was lots of fun.
He was less then thrilled that I was taking pictures 
threatened to hold his hand and he smiled against his will
Brian got to help put his supplies in his locker
I stole these off his ipod--little stink!

Looking forward to a fun and exciting year at a new school!

Salsa making

Brian LOVES his Ma's salsa, I have to admit that its pretty durn good too! We have been waiting all year for our tomatoes to turn so that we can have a salsa making party. Finally, between the two of us we had enough ripe tomatoes to have our party!!
Hayley and I packed our goodies and headed to Louisville.
Let the peeling of tomatoes  begin:
32 quarts later, we were ready to add other veggies and start cooking

Passing the time by snapping beans and gather goodies from the garden
while someone was taking random "selfies"

This is a labor of love--it was hard work constantly checking, stirring, adding this and that,
but its worth it, smelling so yummy!
Hayley made sure that we added everything

We ended up with 10.5 quarts of delicious home made salsa!!
The salsa making queens:
Ma and Hayley
Shew...salsa making wears you out!
So very thankful that Hayley and I could share this day canning with Ma. Looking forward to sharing many more days in the kitchen learning all the secrets of her famous recipes