Monday, July 29, 2013


I found my Granny's old pickle recipe and thought that I would give it a shot. 

July birthday's

Unc and Angela had the Wethington's out for the July Birthday dinner. It was a delish spread of food as always and even better the Nana and I didn't have to cook!! I didn't take many pictures, was enjoying being spoiled by the cutest niece ever, Faith Arabella!!
Every girl deserves a pedicure for her birthday, right?!

Best pedicure ever and was done with pure love!

Violin lessons

 Granny (Brian's mom) has played the violin since she was a little girl and the kids loved to hear her play it when she lived in town. Every time that we were over, Hayley would beg her to "teach" her how to play, it was so sweet. This past week, the day finally came where she thought that Hayley was mature and old enough to be given her violin.
showing where he fingers go.
Hayley was a natural
finding the strings
I love that this is something Granny and Hayley can share together. Now it looks like I am going to have search for violin lessons.

Cousin swim

Tuesday was the perfect day to have a cousin swim party since Granny was in town.  
Can't believe that this little man will starting school this year
Granny and her babies
Luke, Hunter, Hayley and Faith

Saturday, July 20, 2013

I can walk!!!

Today was my 8 week check up with Dr Oster and I was super pumped. I knew that I was going to get good news and had already warned Brian that I WAS going to walk and if not I would cry and throw the biggest temper tantrum ever!!!

Good news: I can WALK with my boot on, wear a normal sock, regular shoe and drive in 2 weeks, follow up in 1 month. 

This picture is taken 10 days post op. You can see my break on screw 3 from the bottom. It was nasty, think Kevin Ware but no compound. Also you can see the 2 screws in my ankle 

This picture is 8 weeks 5 days post op. I'm healing nicely and full on metal

Here's my lovely, clunky boot that I have grown to hate these past 8 weeks. Honestly, not been that bad most of time just hot and hard to get comfortable at night. 

My foot almost looks normal!! Swelling can last up to a year. I will take that any day 
I don't know what I am most excited to do first:
Soak in a hot bath
Sleep without my boot
Wear a normal sock
Get a pedicure 
Wear a normal bra (crutches rubbed my sides so I've been in a sports bra)

First things first, I've been slowly taking baby steps and then get the hang of it. Feels weird after you haven't been allowed to put weight or walk on it did 8 weeks.  Hopefully by tomorrow ill be walking better. 

My hubby loves me and stopped for Krispy Kreme to celebrate. Just what I needed more pounds packing on

 Can't wait to walk some more. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Pool fun

The Oedy's felt sorry for us and came to rescues us for a fun day at the pool! It was beautiful sunny weather and I was looking forward to sitting out in the sun and relaxing! It was much needed and much enjoyed.
My babies
Hunter found some friends and enjoyed playing football
My crazy gymnast
Ahhh....NO boot on, sunshine and air on my poor white legs.
(this is the palest I have ever been!)
bathing beauties
Hayley and Lana

I crack up at the randomness of Hunter. He starting doing the sprinkler in the pool and was determined to teach Lana and Hayley how to do it
Thankful for such special friends. Next play date is a GNO!!

First harvest

Our garden has started to really take off and we are enjoying some yummy cucumbers! I can't wait to get more so I can start making pickles from my Granny's recipe!!

All grown up....

My baby is looking so grown up these days, I am not ready for him to be in MIDDLE SCHOOL this year. Seems like just yesterday he was born, if I blink again he will be graduating High School. Time PLEASE slow down for me!!

Surgery update.....

**These pictures may be graphic but I was asked to post pics for outta town family**
I am still in the healing process but did take few pictures of my 2 week (6/17) follow up.
 X-rays showed that I am starting to heal and no complications this far!! I had every other stitch taken out (10 sutures removed) from where they put my plate in, and covered it back with a bandage.
They also removed the 3 from my screws in my ankle.

Biggest excitement of the day was that I was graduating out of the soft cast and into a BOOT!! I can take this off when I am awake, sitting down and foot is elevated. Might now sound like a big deal, but this means that air can get to my leg, and I can wash and put lotion on it!! (no shaving yet, skin is too tender and sensitive).
 I was scheduled to come back 10 days later for the rest of the stitches to come out, 10 more were taken out and had 4 steri strips added. These should fall off in about a week and be totally healed, incision wise.
Steri strips fell off and its looking so much better! I am still having to keep it elevated most of the day, I am slowly getting out and about more. The kids and I ventured out to church on Wednesday night. I felt normal (for the most part) and was very thankful to be out and see all my babies, I have been missing them like crazy.
I will got back on 7/18 in hopes of another graduation into a different boot and start toe walking!!

Aunt Sandy Fun!

Aunt Sandy was brave enough to want the older boy cousins to come to Indy for a visit. After setting a date, Hunter was on the way (thanks to Ju-Ju) with the rest of the older cousins (Kieran, Drew, Ben, and Max).  I am so thankful that we have an awesome Aunt who loves to spoil and spend time with her great nephews and nieces.I have so many memories of spending the entire summer in Indy when I was Hunters age. Picnics, crafts, parks, Indians games, swimming and helping take care of the boys when they were little.

After making the drop off of the boys in Columbus, it was straight to the zoo for a fun filled day!

                                                                  ALL ABOARD!!
cousin time
Cheetah race
Next up: POOL TIME
I have to laugh at this picture......
Hunter is a runner and NOT a diver! He can swim, not the greatest, but knows how to. The rest of the "boy cousins" are awesome and on swim teams and know all the strokes, dives, flips, etc.  Needless to say that after trying to dive and follow in their footsteps and not mastering it, his pride was hurt.

He sat on the edge of the pool for a while and moped like a Wethington. God love him, he has always been blessed that most things come naturally to him; academics, running miles on end (wish I would of been blessed with this), reading, math, etc. He never has had to struggle or work towards these so he gets frustrated when he can't master something the first time.  (look how muscular he is, I just noticed how nice his muscles are defined)

Thanks to Drew, that was short lived! I can't even begin to express how much I love the relationship these two have.  Drew reminds me so much of Hunter when he was younger. These two are inseparable when they are together, feed off each other and have never let the distance of mileage or age stop them, they pick up where they left off!

Thanks for such a fun filled day with you, looking forward to spending Paradise week with you soon!