Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Color Run

There is not enough words to even begin to describe the AWESOME experience we had at the Color Run!! My kids are still talking about it and asking when we can do it again!! We had so much fun with this run, it was much needed, a little emotional, but we know that Matt was shaking his head at us and laughing all at the same time!

Hunter and Hayley caught a little nap on the way

Once we got there, we  were all decked out for our run with these awesome shirts (that Jenn surprised us with!)

crazy socks,
Hayley and Claire
 and arm tattoos,
(Hayley had Matt's name on one arm and Dawson's on another)

I can't begin to tell you all how much I love this gal--we are logging lots of miles together and whatever is said on the road stays on the road; we have solved so many world problems together!  She is the true definition on someone who has taken her marriage vows so seriously: in good times/bad, sickness and health, richer and poorer.  She is the strongest woman I know and has the most amazing angel, Matt, looking down on her!
me and Jenn
Hunter took off with Jenn, Morgan and Terry towards the front. I was a bit overwhelmed at all the people and was afraid that I was going to get trampled over so I hug towards the middle with "little Jennifer" and Lee Anne. Janet was so kind to let Hayley walk with her, Claire, and John. It was nice knowing that she was taken care of and I could run without having to worry about her. Thanks, Janet!!
little jenn and me
Hayley shared a moment with Janet when they finished

Hunter finished the race in a 28 minutes, he was beyond PROUD!! This is his first 5K and he is all about it, told me that he is running the Mini with us....not yet, buddy!! Jenn told me that he kept wanting to take off so she had to put the reigns on him!! LOVE IT!!

I think the after party was just as much fun as the race, there are really no words to describe it, its something that everyone should get to experience for themselves!!

We had color in places that I didnt' know were possible--it was awesome!!

The best gym teacher/co worker/ friend ever.....
Little Jenn broke out the sexy shorts for this occasion, we all were jealous and couldn't keep our hands off them(and her)

We headed back to the cars to change clothes and head out to breakfast, I looked over and saw this..
Just another sign that Matt was there with us that day!! Nobody else shirt was like that, just Jenn's!

Me and my babies

our numbers,

cool socks,

and bracelets,

We are so thankful and blessed for this amazing group of people--we have shared tears, laughter, love, stories, sorrows and joy together. I still say that God has worked in a mysterious way and he brings people into your life for a reason.  LOVE my Miles for Matt group!!

***Only thing that I would of done differently today would be:*****
Run and cross the finish line with Jenn, since it was my first race
 Go visit Matt while we were still all covered in color
(we went later that evening, and kids wrote him a note telling him all about it!)

Phone Dump

These are some random pictures from off my phone from this weekend. I am lazy and didn't want to redo the Color Run post, so these are just going to have to do here.

Jenn sent me these pictures, they are from the guy who was taking pictures for the run.
Lee Anne
Hayley and Claire stretching before the race

Going into the blue station....pure awesomeness

Claire and Terry at the afterparty!!

Hayley busting a move on the stage

Jenn and I

After picture with Jenn

My white earbuds that were in my bra during race, they are BLUE now!!

We went to visit Matt and left flowers and notes telling him about our awesome day!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


 I am in a blogger funk and just can't get excited or motivated about blogging. We have been busy doing lots of fun things and I have some great pictures and stories to share, just not feeling it!! Maybe its because school is starting in 13 days (Hayley is super excited and counts down daily!!)??? Praying that I get outta this funk soon.

School Supplies

Can't believe that we are only 2 weeks away from the start of school!! Summer has gone WAAAY to fast and Im not ready for it to end!! Since I dread goign back to school shopping, I finally bit the bullett and we went  *sigh*  Can't believe that Hunter will be in 5th grade and Hayley in 3rd--my babies are growing up too fast.

Storm Damage

We had a pretty nasty storm blow thru on Thursday night and were thankful that Brian was home (he got called in and was going until he saw the damage we had!) and that everything was damaged is replaceable. This weather has been crazy and we are counting our blessings that we haven't had the damage and devastation that most have! We lost our electric for about 13 hours, but thankfully we were worn out from trying to get the cow fence back up--we hit the showers and bed!

Friday and Saturday we spend all day repairing fence and cutting up trees, we will have enough wood for the winter now! God knew that we would need and he provided once again!!

basketball goal was knocked over

swing set was blown over and into fence

cow gates were knocked over....

the creek was a flowing (LOVE that sound)

I picked up trashcans 10 times

limbs were all over yard

my poor swing was knocked over

our flag pole was leveled

trees down in walkway to barn

metal off barn roof

this WAS the swing set

this is where the trampoline WAS

lots of trees down in the field!!

Friday, July 20, 2012


Tuesday was the big day for Hayley, she got her braces!! I couldn't begin to tell you how excited she has been about this, she has been counting down the days!

Last pre braces picture
Dr Eberle and Julie are wonderful people, they encouraged me to take pictures (someone must be a blogger or crazy Momma like me)!! They were so patient and caring with her! I got to laugh several times because they both said she had a very small mouth and had lots of trouble getting her mouth to stretch!  ARE YOU SERIOUS???? there's no way!!

Dr. E came over and had a little chat with her, telling her what to expect!!

Hayley LOVED the cool glasses and kept wanting her picture taken, all the girls were laughing at her

Her poor teeth are a mess--I can't wait to see the final outcome!

Brackets are on!!

Julie puts on the wires

This is the part that Hayley has been looking forward to since when we found out she was getting braces....the colors of rubber bands!!

 She was in heaven and changed her mind 10,000 times before deciding on Lime Green and Hot Pink....SHOCKER, since that is her favorite colors!

First picture with Braces!!
Can't believe how much older she looks now, not sure I am ready for this!!

She did wonderfully, was a little sore afterwards from stretching her tiny mouth. Nothing that a stop at KFC for some mashed taters wouldn't fix and make her teeth feel instantly better!