Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This past week we had Vacation Bible School at church. Our theme was Crocodile Dock, it was so much fun and it wore all of us out. (As you can tell, I am behind blogging, still trying to recover from last week!) Sunday night we had Commencement and all the kids did a SUPER AWESOME job! I am SO proud of Hunter and Hayley, but also all the other children who joined us this year. It was our biggest year ever....opening night we had 120!! Our lessons were easy to teach and understand for the most part. Every night I asked both Hunter and Hayley what they learned and they could re-tell me the stories and memory verse! I even learned a thing or two this week myself.
I taught the 4 & 5 year old again with Sherwin, Vickie and Lauren--we had 17 nightly--it was an awesome group! I was so pleased that when it was our time to take the stage, the whole class remember and said their memory verse, answered questions and sang "He's got the whole world" without any meltdowns! That is a big accomplishment in itself! Hunters class answered question and said their memory verse, complete with where to find it in the bible.

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