Thursday, June 25, 2009

Creation Muesum

Hunter's class from church went to the Creation Museum Wednesday. I was one of the lucky chaperons! We took an air-conditioned bus there, had a picnic lunch and enjoyed the museum. It was so AWESOME--there are really no words to describe it. You have to go and experience this yourself.

The exhibits were so life-like and detailed; biblical characters were made out of wax, several short videos we saw were packed with information made you really get an understanding of what the bible says. All of these were done on a level that even the children could understand.

So many interesting exhibits--Noah's ark with an actual replica it was so huge and this was only 1% volume of the actual ark, tree of life, the printing press showing how the bibles were first printed and a petting zoo where Hunter got to feed and pet a camel, zorse (a zebra and horse) and a zule (zebra and mule) it was very neat.

I can't wait to go back, us adults are talking about making a trip and leaving the kiddos at home.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cousin Swim/Play Date

We went over to Ju-Ju's house Tuesday for a "cousin swim/play date" with Kieran, Benny, Drew, Aunt Carol, Sam and Aunt Kathy. The pool water was perfect and the kids had a great time. Everyone played so well together. I know my kids hated to leave and are already talking about spending the whole week with ALL their cousins at Paradise.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Water Puppies

Today the kids and I enjoyed this beautiful weather and played in the pool. I am starting to think that both Hunter and Hayley are part fish--they love the water and throw a fit when its time to get out. We have gotten our money out of this pool and summer is not over!

Hayley eating a popsicle on her swing
*the only way I can get her out of the pool*

Hunter swimming like a fish

Hunter chillin' on his raft

Hayley floating
(this is a rare picture--she DOES NOT have on those stinkin' goggles--she loves those things and always has them on!)

Hayley and Hunter in full gear!

This is one of my favorite pictures. It is so hard to get a picture of both kids with eyes open (or where Hunter's glasses are not tented) and smiling. They were playing on the swing set and I looked up and saw Hayley swinging on Hunter's lap. I had to get my camera to capture the moment.

Nice face Hunter

Splashing around

Hunter riding his "water bull"

Hayley riding her "water bull"

Tag team bull riding

Hayley and me gettin' some sun

Hunter and me

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in our lives.....
Brian and Hunter

Me and Brian

3 generation of Wethington's
Pa, Brian, and Pop
Hayley and Hunter

Hayley and I woke up early to surprise Brian with his favorite breakfast (country ham biscuits) this morning when he got off work. We went to church with Pa and Pop and then went back to Ma's lunch. It was good eatin' as always!
We are so blessed to have so many living grandparents in our lives who are wonderful examples of love, marriage, faith and raising children. We love all of you very much.
Not only do we have grand parents (Pop/Jackie, Grandpa/Grandma Fisher, Granny/Daniel), great grandparents (Ma/Pa, GG/Gramps Grandma and Grandpa Farnsley), but we also have a great-great grandparent, Ma Ma Woody (this is Ma's mother for those of you who don't know--she shares the same exact birthday as GG--how cool is that!)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My little baker....

Tonight when I was making my desserts for Father's Day, Hayley decided to make brownies for her cousins: Eric, Chelsey and Tony to take with them tomorrow as they leave for Church Camp. No matter what the occasion is, we always have to bring our brownies.

Yard Sale

Hayley with some of her toys at the yard sale

Hayley' s "table"

Today we finally had our yard sale at Jammy's house and let me tell you it was H-O-T!!! Both kids were very eager to clean out some of their toys for this with understanding that whatever they sold, the money was theirs. I think that they would of gotten rid of everything they owned. Honestly, I don't know where we put all those toys! Hunter and Hayley each made 11 bucks! Hayley said that she is going to use her money to get her ears pierced, Hunter said he is going to buy a cow. Little does he know, he will have to add a lot more to that.

When the alarm went off this morning at 5:30, Hayley was so easy to wake up-she was ready to go and have her own table and make some money! She had so much fun telling people that those toys were hers--she may have a future in sales!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This past week we had Vacation Bible School at church. Our theme was Crocodile Dock, it was so much fun and it wore all of us out. (As you can tell, I am behind blogging, still trying to recover from last week!) Sunday night we had Commencement and all the kids did a SUPER AWESOME job! I am SO proud of Hunter and Hayley, but also all the other children who joined us this year. It was our biggest year ever....opening night we had 120!! Our lessons were easy to teach and understand for the most part. Every night I asked both Hunter and Hayley what they learned and they could re-tell me the stories and memory verse! I even learned a thing or two this week myself.
I taught the 4 & 5 year old again with Sherwin, Vickie and Lauren--we had 17 nightly--it was an awesome group! I was so pleased that when it was our time to take the stage, the whole class remember and said their memory verse, answered questions and sang "He's got the whole world" without any meltdowns! That is a big accomplishment in itself! Hunters class answered question and said their memory verse, complete with where to find it in the bible.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Eye Exams

Hayley needed an exam for Kindergarten, Hunter was due for his 6 month re-check , Brian and I needed exams too, so we just made a morning of it at Dr. Bowersox's Vision Center. The kids really like going to him....he is so goofy and funny. He looks and reminds us of Uncle Marc.

Over all we received good news. Hayley is a bit far sided, this is normal and she should grow out of it as she grows. Brian is good to go. I could use reading glasses (Hunter says I am getting old because I need glasses) and Hunter has improved in some areas and declined in others. 6months ago he was seeing 20/80 on the whole chart and 20/200 on crowding. Today he is seeing 20/70 on the whole chart and 20/100 on crowding. Dr. B didn't have his vision therapy results, but is going to get them to review and then go from there. So, it looks like we will still be doing therapy! Hunter really doesn't seem to mind most days, he likes to play the "games" but it's getting to the level where his eye is really getting a work out, so frustration is setting in. Hunter will go back in 8 weeks to see where we stand and make adjustments on his therapy.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Check Up's with Dr. Massey

Hunter, Dr. Massey and Hayley

Today I took the kids for their annual check-ups with Dr. Massey. It is always a treat when we get to and see her, especially when we are well! She is the best pediatrician ever-just ask the kids. We received good reports on both Hunter and Hayely, growing up and getting big. Stats on the kids are as follows:
Hunter weighs 47 pounds and is 48 1/4 inches tall.
Hayley weighs 38 pounds and is 43 1/2 inches tall .

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Great Wolf Part 2

Grandma and Grandpa Fisher with Hayley and Hunter

Isn't he sexy?

Hayley and me relaxing!

We wore Grandpa out.

Hayley swimming like a fish

Hunter in the water fountain

A quick family picture before we hit the water

Hayley showing off her chop sticks at the Japanese restaurant

Keegan taking it all in

We are finally here!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Great Wolf Lodge

We just got back today from our weekend trip to Great Wolf Lodge. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, its a cool hotel in Mason, Ohio with and indoor water park (about 2 1/2 hours away). We first visited here back in November with Pop, Jackie, Denny, Unc, Anglea, and baby Luke- the kids loved it. This time we went with my side of the family: Momma, Daddy, Amy, Jason and Keegan. (Erin and "her" Brian were slackers and didn't join us)
It was so much fun to see they kids go from area to area. Keegan even went down the big water ride and belly laughed the entire time. We all raced down the tube slide, relaxed in the hot tub, play water ball, had a "Wipe Out" contest, went to the arcade, swam until our hearts were content and even went to Story Time.
Brian even treated Amy and I to a mani/pedi at the Spa. This was an awesome surprise and a great treat being able to relax without our kids!
Last night we went out to dinner at a Japanese Restaurant and it was an experience to remember, poor Brian!! (He is a steak/potato/veggie man) We have never eaten at a place like this, so the kids were very entertained with the Chef cooking right in front of you! He was very talented throwing food up and catching it, making volcanoes out of onions, spinning egg and making his utensils dance. The food was yummy! Hunter even ate it, that was a surprise in itself.

If I can ever figure out how to get my pictures on here I will post them.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Our day at the Stockyards

The sheep Hayley wanted to buy

Hayley and Hunter with their bid cards

Hunter has been out of school for a week and Brian was off so what's a better then spending a day at the Stockyards? We went in hopes of buying some Holstein steers, but it seemed as if they had everything but that. Hayley had Brian talked into buying her a sheep. Doesn't every cow girl need a sheep? Thankfully it was too pricey for our pocketbook. Hunter was amazed at the pigs they had there. I do have to admit they were pretty big! I quickly reminded them of the smell that lingers after you have pigs--we have been there and done that. Even though we didn't buy anything, they kids had a good time. I am starting to think it's their home away from home!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Making a list

Since its been raining for two straight days and we have been stuck inside, I challenged the kids to make a list of things they would like to do this summer. I was surprised on how long it took them (almost an hour and a half) and the fact that they did this WITHOUT fighting!! From the looks of our list, we may have a busy, fun filled summer.

Things we would like to do over Summer Break:
1) Go to the zoo
2) Go to Great Wolf Lodge
3) Help Daddy finish the barn
4) Go swimming
5) Go Fishing
6) Go on a bike ride
7) Go to the Sports drome
8) Go camping
9) Go to the drive in
10) Go on a picnic
11) Go to the river front and play in the water
12) Stay all week at Paradise
13) Go to the Library
14) Have a bon-fire and roast marsh mellows
15) Go Horseback riding
16) Go to the stockyards
17) Have a play date with our cousins/friends
18) Have a sleepover
19) Fly our kites
20) Help in Ma/Pa's and GG and Gramps garden
21) Make homemade ice cream
22) Go play at Jeffersontown Memorial Park
23) Make chocolate covered bananas
24) Have a kickball game
25) Spend a whole day with Luke
26) Have lunch with GG & Gramps and Ma/Pa
27) Have a yard sale and sell lemonade
28) Have a water balloon/water gun fight
29) Stay the night with Keegan
30) Tea party with my girl cousins (this was Hayley's idea)
31) Get my ear pierced (this was Hayley's idea)

We will get to cross two items off our list this weekend: going to the stockyards ( I have a feeling that this will be a weekly event) and Great Wolf Lodge. Can't wait until we return from our trips so that we can blog and let you know about all our fun.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Well this is the first ever "blog" for us. I don't know how to this will go, so just be patient with me and hopefully together we can figure this out, Lord willing.
Both kiddos will be in school this year, maybe this will be easier to keep up with us then me trying to find time to send an email, pictures etc.

Summer break has officially begun and the kids are looking forward to staying up later, going to the stockyards with Daddy, playing outside and swimming in the pool. We will be sure to keep you all posted in our adventures.

Hope you all have a great summer break and can find time to rest and relax before school begins.