Wednesday, September 4, 2013

St X Tiger

Saturday at 5:30 AM we left for the first CC meet of the year, St X Tiger Run at Louisville Champion Park. Hunter was excited and nervous but ready to race. They have been training hard for weeks and really feel good about this week. Its a HUGE meet--over 400 middle school boys racing and 300 middle school girls--we are not used to big meets, love our little county meets!
ready for his first meet
We got there in plenty of time to get a good spot-
Proud obnoxious Momma wearing her CC team shirt proudly!
Pa  came to see Hunter run since it was  close meet

Last minute instructions from Coach Smith
Nerves setting in
my timer was set
look at all those kids
and they are off!!

Hunter ran AWESOME!! 3000 meters (1.8 miles) in 12:01. He came in 92 out of 458, 7th in over all 6 graders and 1st for Spencer County (he also shaved off 3:57 off his time last year)


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