Monday, September 23, 2013

Take 5

You would think that as the kids get older it would be easier to get a picture of all 3 of them.
NOPE it gets harder and harder
Good thing I love these crazy kids

Trinity/Valkyrie Invt.

Friday we headed over to Tom Sawyer State Park for the 53rd Trinity/Valkyrie Invitational. It was a flat and fast course, good thing because the rain seemed to like it! Pouring when the 7 & 8 grade girls and boy ran, poor things.

Brian does his thing with Hunter before a race, I am NOT allowed to talk to him--he is totally in the "zone" and doesn't want to be bothered with Momma or pictures!

Hunter lead the first 800-900 meters--he looked good and strong, sadly that didn't last. He is still trying to find his way and pace himself--this is where its SO hard as a Momma. I trust Coach Smith and Hunter is doing what he is being told, but its one of those things--Hunter has to learn and figure out himself.
It was a neck and neck race all the way
into the chute
finish line in sight

This picture warms my heart: this is the way that the team is--always greeting each other at the finish line, no matter what. Ali came with 2 Gatorade in hand--she was going to make sure he rehydrated!

Poor thing--gave it all--he had nothing left-
7:32.70 and  a PR for 2000!!!
(last year time 8:26.18)
10/106 6th graders!!
Team Picture
3/13 placing in top 25 with medals!!
Tabby and Hunter:
Sister and Brother from another mother
***this is the 2nd PR he has set this year!!!
PR in 3000 m at 12:01.85 in August 2013  ( Last year was 13:50.50 at State.)

Flag football

To continue Gramps' birthday celebration, we headed to the football field foe Keegan and Drew's game. There is nothing cuter then seeing little kids play flag football like its the Super Bowl--total awesomeness!!

Water break for Keegan

The cheering section
Are they not the cutest things ever??? LOVE them

Rumble In the Jungle

Last Saturday, we headed to Goshen for Rumble in the Jungle. This was the meet that all the CC kids were talking about, it was a really fun race: music blaring thru the course, running thru the woods and the scenery--one of their favorite races.  I was excited to go and couldn't wait to see all that the kids were talking about. Well, with these big races, you only get so many "pit bands" and could only have them if you were taking pictures. I was the good wife and gave mine to Brian so that he could do his thing in the woods (be at certain points to yell times to Hunter). It was hard but I was so glad that not to be in the woods because Brian didn't get to see him finish--that is my favorite part of a race!
We are official looking: warm up jacket
I have to say that the 3 hours before a race is the hardest time ever--its hurry up and wait for the kids! We always share a bus with the high schoolers and they usually run first. Luckily these kids are easily entertained by screen time and entertaining each other

Hayley has been deemed "little sister" by everyone, they all want to take her home---there are days where I am like PLEASE do!!
Our girls ran awesome with 3/5 placing in the top 50 and getting medal

Love how they are watching the girls and trying to find them running

Last minute talk from Coach
Looking strong
Team picture
Hunter ran awesome--lots of hills and was told to add 30-45 seconds on last weeks time (ran flat course last week). He had a goal of top 50 and 13 minutes, I was nervous!! He ran a 12:27.18 and got 49!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Shelby Co Rocket Run

Saturday was another Cross Country meet and closer to home. We didn't have to leave until 9 so we all were much happier!!  Hunter was eager to run this race, its total opposite (hills)  then last weeks (flat). I was just excited that it wasn't as hot!!
a little music on the way to get in the zone and excited!
boys team staying cool and waiting for their race

This weeks race was only a 144 boys compared to last weeks 400+ ( I like the smaller meets)
Keegan came with Grandma and Grandpa Fisher to watch Hunter
and they are off
* Hunter told us that he got a bad start and pushed down. I had to laugh--only my child*
Turns were sharp
(look at his arms, so defined-- jealous Momma)

God love Momma, it was HOT and she was such a trooper following me all over the place to different spots to get pictures and encouraging Hunter

Last 100 yards coming into the chute
41st out of 144 boys
7th out of 44 6th graders
12:27.18 (26 secs slower then last week, hills this week)
No idea why Hayley's face is like that!
rehydrate! rehydrate! rehydrate!
A quick picture with his cheering/cousin section
Hayley, Keegan, Hunter and Luke
team picture


Brian and Hunter waiting to eat at Claudia Sanders Dinner House
One tired and worn out boy
Next meet: Rumble thru the Jungle (I am excited about this---woods, music, hills, water)

Labor Day Fun

Pop and Nana took the kids to their annual HIKE, BIKE, PADDLE at the Waterfront. This is their tradition and have been doing so for 5 years, the kids love it!! They are up to biking the whole thing, 19 miles!!! Here are a few pictures that they sent me from their day

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

St X Tiger

Saturday at 5:30 AM we left for the first CC meet of the year, St X Tiger Run at Louisville Champion Park. Hunter was excited and nervous but ready to race. They have been training hard for weeks and really feel good about this week. Its a HUGE meet--over 400 middle school boys racing and 300 middle school girls--we are not used to big meets, love our little county meets!
ready for his first meet
We got there in plenty of time to get a good spot-
Proud obnoxious Momma wearing her CC team shirt proudly!
Pa  came to see Hunter run since it was  close meet

Last minute instructions from Coach Smith
Nerves setting in
my timer was set
look at all those kids
and they are off!!

Hunter ran AWESOME!! 3000 meters (1.8 miles) in 12:01. He came in 92 out of 458, 7th in over all 6 graders and 1st for Spencer County (he also shaved off 3:57 off his time last year)