Monday, August 31, 2009

Strucker's Grove

Saturday we went to Stucker's Grove in Ohio for Corken's company picnic. Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Amy, Uncle Jay and Keegan met us up there. We had lots of fun and were worn out by then end of the day. Free rides, cokes, cotton candy, popcorn and snow cones--the kids were in heaven...but then who wouldn't be?
I am soo glad that Hayley is like me and gets motion sick easily. We hung out on the "normal" rides, while Hunter and Brian hit all the "wild" rides. I seriously think there is something wrong with Hunter, that child does not get dizzy or sick. He had his Daddy's stomach hurting the first hour we were there!
Hayley rode her first ever roller coaster--she did well--was a little scared at first. She rode with her Daddy and I rode with Hunter. After when we got done she wanted to go back later and ride with Grandpa--he is a sucker when it comes to the grandkids!

Thanks Corken for a great day with great weather!

Hayley loved to see her reflection on his glasses

round and round they go

Hayley and me on the normal rides

Ms. Thang

Hayley on her first roller coaster-
she is holding on to Brian's shirt for dear life!

Family ride

Brian was trying not to laugh at
us "sissy" girls screaming

Snow cone #1089

Watch out

Uncle Jay and Keegan

Brian and Hunter rode this thing

Hayley and I rode the Ferris Wheel
Mom, Dad and Keegan were on the bench below

Grandpa and Hayley



Wild man

Me & Hunter

The roller coaster the Hayley and Hunter rode

They had the BEST corn ever--
this was my favorite part of the day

Hunter, Hayley and Grandpa

Aunt Jess and Keegan
sharing cotton candy

Keegan, Hayley and Hunter

Hayley, Hunter, Aunt Amy and Keegan

Ms & Mr Thang
(notice Hayley's expression)

This picture melts my heart--
I love it!!!!

One worn out dude

Didn't take long for Ms Thang to crash
once we got on the road

Friday, August 28, 2009

Mommy's little helper...

This is what I walked in on last night after putting laundry away....

Luckily, you really can't mess up his hair!
Hayley is such a little diva, notice the hot pink scarf wrapped around her neck.
She has to be dressed up to go to bed!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Three Pea's in a Pod

Ever since the kids have started school this year, Clayton has been obsessed with their backpacks. He just had to get his own! Now every morning when we are getting ready for school he HAS to wear his backpack too cause "I go to stool too, Jessie"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bow Hunter

We took advantage of the awesome fall-like weather we have been having and spent all day outside today. Pop got out Denny's old bow and let Hunter try it out--he thought he was big stuff...and he was right! He has asked up off and on for a bow and I kept telling him that he wasn't strong enough or big enough. Once again he proved Mommy wrong. Hunter absolutely loved to shoot the bow and did very well--he is already asking to go practice tomorrow after school--I think we have a bow hunter on our hands! I can't wait until hunting season comes in, he will have all kinds of stories to share then.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Meet Diesel

While the kids were at school today, Brian and I went to the country to pick up our newest addition to the farm....Diesel! He is a 4 month old miniature. We have a lot of work on our hands, he has never been messed with and is also being weaned. Thus far, he has done very well, he is a little jumpy when we first got him out of the trailer and was putting his halter on him. The kids love him. It's our goal to have him broke to cart by next year! We will see.

Hayley meeting Diesel for the first time

I just love the mud books with her dress

Hunter and Diesel.....look at his hair

Everyone has to get a hand on him

Diesel's hair always stand up!
I love it!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Too cute

I just had to take a picture of Hayley after she got out of the bath tonight. She is growing up so fast....used to be that I could NEVER braid her hair but now it seems that is all she wants because that is how girls in her class wear theirs!
She loves her braids

Thanks Grandma for the new jommies!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I had to laugh

Tonight sitting at the dinner table, I couldn't help but laugh at the conversations that the kids shared with us:

Hayley: "You know Hunter I am Mom's favorite daughter"
Hunter: "Duhhh Hayley that is only because you are her ONLY daughter"

Hunter: "Come on my one and only favorite Father."
Hayley: "Hunter you are wrong!"
Hunter: "No I am not"
Hayley: "Yes you are, you have 2 fathers duhhh....God and Daddy"

Brian: "I think your Mom is trying to kill us by makin' us eat Chicken"
Me: "If you don't like what I cook, feel free to cook dinner any night you wish"
Hayley: "Daddy knows how to cook?"
Brian: "OK fine, I will cook on my day off, which is Thursday"
Me: " What are you going to have?"
Brian: "Carry-out!"

So silly!!!

Clayton is so silly!! Everyone morning before we take the kids to school, he HAS to put on their backpacks and tell us: "I go to stool (school) to." I try to tell him to just wait because he will be in school soon enough. He is already bother me that he is growing up to fast and he is not even mine! Hunter's backpack is so big and heavy that it pulls him backwards and down so he has to hold it up behind him. Clayton really loves Hayley's because it light enough for him to put in on himself.

Ready to go

" I go to stool too, Jessie"

Baby shower

Yesterday the "Fisher girls" had a baby shower for Lauren (and Tim). It was nice to get together with everyone, Great Aunt Bernita (my dad's aunt) was even there. We had to laugh when the card was signed Great Great Aunt Bernita--that is something to be proud of! Lots of good food, cake, advice and pictures were apart. We can't wait to meet Baby Sadie!! Hopefully it won't be too much longer!
Hayley loved to feel baby Sadie
give her a high five

The "Fisher Girls"
Amy, Erin and Me

Erin, Lauren, Amy, Jessica

Lauren and her Mom (aka Aunt Becky)

Lauren and Hayley

Yummy cake

family picture:
Jessica, Amy, Erin and Mary Lu

My little baby.
Can't believe she is 5!

Entertained by Pac-Man

Hayley and Aunt Erin

Cherry-vanilla cake!